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We found Vic sitting in the field meditating. It wasn't until we drew closer that we felt the ground tremble.

"What was that?" I asked Ren.

"Sssssh," he whispered, putting his finger to his lips.  "He's getting back in touch with his Force-power. He's suppressed and hid it for so long, it won't be easy. The ground is just reacting to his power, mirroring his struggle. The Force is in everything. It's not only a part of us, but a part of nature. In a sense, he is having birthing pains and the planet is too."

The ground rumbled again. This time, I concentrated on the Force and quickly tapped into the planet's frequency. I heard moans and groans underneath the tremors as if the planet was alive.

"Vicrul is able to draw strength from every living thing on this planet including nature itself. He will soon be whole again. We may want to stand back," Ren stated.

On cue, the wind picked up and the groans of the planet hit a crescendo. Ren wrapped himself around me in protection and shouted, "Hold on to me!"

He took the brunt of the blowback and managed to keep us on our feet. The amount of power that flowed over us was exhilarating. I could feel Vic's Force-signature pulsate, reminding me of a living, beating heart. It was beautiful. For a few moments his life-force surrounded us in a comforting embrace.

When it was over, Ren uncovered my body and we found Vic slumped over on the ground. He appeared to be sleeping peacefully. "Is he okay?" I asked.

"He's more than okay. He's whole again."

Vic's eyelids began to flutter open and he sat up, giving a little moan. His eyes locked on us and a brilliant smile exploded across his face. Ren returned a small smile and in that moment, I knew their relationship would mend. Before anyone could speak, a ship roared overhead, headed for the valley. I recognized it as my father's personal ship.

Because my father was still uncomfortable around Ren, he decided to stay in the meadow and meditate while Vicrul and I walked to the valley.  "Hello, darling," my father greeted. "When you messaged me, it sounded urgent, so I came as soon as I could."

"Hello, Father. I have ughh...we have some important news to tell you." His eyes darted back and forth between Vic and I in nervous anticipation.

Gesturing to Vic, I stated, "Father, I know you have met Vicrul and you know he is one of Ren's men.  Vic grew up in an orphanage on Jopkke. He never knew who his parents were, until now. Father, he is in his fifties."

"Like your mother?" he asked, brows arched.

"Exactly like her, because...well...he's her son." I let that sink in a moment before continuing.

When he didn't say anything, just stared at Vic like he was taking in the similar features between us, I finished. "He's my brother and he inherited the long life-span just like mother."

Hanging his head, he spoke barely above a whisper. "Marisa told me she had another child, a son that she was forced to hide away from the Empire. She said when she went back to get him, he had died. The night she told me about him was the night I asked her to be my queen. She cried telling me about it like it had just happened. She was always so full of love."

Looking to Vicrul, he stated, "Your mother was a wonderful and courageous woman, fiercely loyal to those she cared about. Looking at you now, I see her as I do when I look at Torrence. She would have been so proud. I wish she was h..." He broke down sobbing, unable to finish his sentence. Instead, he walked up to Vic and embraced him like family.

Unaccustomed to being hugged, Vic stiffened, but my father didn't relent. He cried into Vic's shoulder, and gradually I noticed Vicrul's posture relaxing, even reaching up with one arm around his neck.

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