Savor the Flavor

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Later that night after snuggling in the bed next to Ren, I asked, "So, what are we going to name our new friend in the throne room? He definitely needs a name after we defiled his innocence."

"Hmmm, are you talking about that cleaning droid?" Ren asked, voice heavy with approaching sleep. "Because, if you are, as we left the throne room, I noticed it was about to have a meltdown. It attempted to suck up a...viscous liquid off the floor and appeared rather unhappy about it."

"Ughh," I groaned.

"Therefore, I have the perfect name for him."

"Ummm, what's that?" I asked.

"AK2," he answered.


"Short for Admiral Kensit the second, another cum magnet," he replied

What the kriff...Actually, that's not bad.

Giving a weak chuckle, he drifted off to sleep.


I awoke to Ren screaming and thrashing in the bed while my mark burned. Touching his sweat covered chest, he felt clammy.

"Ren.....Ren!" I yelled, attempting to wake him. A few items in the room had begun to levitate and I felt the hair on the back of my neck rise in warning.

I have to get him awake.

I sent a jolt of power into him and his eyes flew open, but remained sightless, still locked in whatever terrifying nightmare was plaquing his subconscious. Jolting him again, a little harder this time, he jerked and shook his head. Finally awake, I saw recognition in his eyes. He looked terrible, hair plastered to his face, skin pallid and sickly, pupils glazed over.

"Ren?" I approached him in a slow, cautious manner, careful not to make any sudden movements.

Sitting up on the side of the bed, he turned away from me, propping his elbows up on his knees and burying his face in his hands. Instead of rushing him, I waited—waited for him to collect his thoughts—waited until he was ready to talk.

"I saw the other throne again," he whispered. "I was sitting on it and was the only living thing for many, many kilometers. Corpses were piled at me feet and stretched out as far as my vision would allow. I kicked the two bodies nearest my boots, and as they rolled down the dais, I realized who the bodies belonged to. It was you and Vic, eyes open and sunken in, skin dried and shriveled. Looking closer, I recognized more bodies around me, like my mother and father, and many of the people I grew up with." A tear slipped down his face before he continued. "The worst part was, I didn't care. I had killed you all and felt nothing, but a craving for more power.

Wrapping my arms around his back, I squeezed tight. "I don't believe that. I don't believe you would do something like that," I whispered.

"It felt so kriffing real," he sobbed out. "I can't let that happen. Promise me, if I ever turn completely dark, you will end my life."

His request caught me off guard, but when he turned and gripped my arms pinning me with wild eyes, I knew he was serious. This was more than a dream to him, it was a vision, possibly of the future. He was afraid.

"Promise me, Torrence," he stated again, shaking me roughly, needing to hear my affirmation. "Promise me!"

"I promise," I answered, knowing if it came to that, I would die with him.

Settling back in the bed, he held me tightly. I sensed his mind working and worrying. When he took a deep breath in, I knew he was about to say something important. "Princess, I want to go with you tomorrow for the Bereavement ceremony. I want your people to see that I mean no ill will toward them."

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