Chapter 4

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Next morning: Shen Yuan Pov.

"Uwehh" Shen Yuan almost barfs back up the medicine he just drank. This was his fourth one since yesterday. No matter how many times he drank this there was no way he was ever going to get used to the taste.

"Do you always have to make such a disgusting face every time you drink? It's time you get used to it" His brother scoffs at him while handsomely taking the bowl away from him.

"I can't help myself the thing tastes like puke how am I supposed to get used to it?" Shen Yuan retorts against his brother's yet again sarcastic remark

"Honestly, you're being way too overdramatic. It can't taste that bad now can it?" His brother puts down the bowl on the table.

"I'm not it really does taste like puke. Try it and you'll see I'm not overreacting!" Shen Yuan pouts at his brother

"Thank you but I'll have to politely decline. If what you said is true, then I would rather not destroy my taste buds from drinking that thing." His brother returns back to his seat beside Shen Yuan's bed

"As if you had one in the first place Ge Ge. Your tastes would make even a person with a disgustingly sweet tooth cringe" Shen Yuan childishly sticks out his tongue at his brother. Don't think he hasn't forgotten how his brother manage to eat the young mistress's attempt to make sweets for his brother which had way too much sugar in it and managed to say delicious without even a dent in his face even when that monster could barely hold up his smile in front of his younger sister.

His brother's eyebrows twitch after hearing loud and clear what he said. He glared at his brother for his cheekiness and looked like he was tempted to hit him with the fan in his robes before taking a deep breath and sighing "You know what I think I liked you better when you still couldn't speak."

"Well too bad you're stuck with it" Shen Yuan makes a glorified smile to annoy his brother even more.

Shen Yuan's body had been healing at a significant rate which surprised both his brother and especially him. Just a day and he was already able to speak and sit up on his own without any help or support. Which would have been unbelievable and impossible in his other life. He would at least be stuck in a hospital for 2 weeks and then for another 2 weeks in his bed before he could even manage this feat. His body in his first life while was on the healthy side at first, his time at the Qius his health made a 180 degree turn over. He was on the verge of death and was only barely able to keep it intact with his spiritual powers. It would take him weeks to recover from a simple scratch or cold.

The healing rate of his body right now really reminded him of the days when he was still healthy (well at least healthy as a street rat could be) Ironically back then it was him who was the healthier and more fit of the twins. He could easily outrun some of the adults if he tried hard enough. As a result, he was put in charge of patrolling the area with their older brother whilst his brother and the other slaves conducted their own schemes to collect money. Shen Yuan was the one in charge of warning the slaves when the adults noticed their scheme and got suspicious about them. Since he was quick on his feet, he was able to pass the message and warn them as soon as possible before making his own escape.

At first, he wanted to help his brother with his fake crying scheme and did for the first few days until his brother forbade him from helping ever again saying that his acting skills were too shitty. To which he protests is not true! He might not be as good as an actor as his brother, but he was pretty confident when it came to his crying skills!

He can't count how many times he managed to deceive his Dage and Er Ge with it! (He never dared to use this against his Mei Mei of course but she had seen him in action a couple of times when they were younger) People may say it's biased because they're family but trust him his Dage and Er Ge were not easy people to deceive. Being the sons and successor of a merchant line family, they were incredibly intelligent and cunning to the point it sometimes scared Shen Yuan. It reminded him how his family despite acting like that in front of him were in reality shrewd business people. So yeah, he can pretty much say he's proud of the fact he was able to deceive them.

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