Chapter 7

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Bamboo Hut Room: Shen Yuan Pov.

It's been 3 days since the whole memory loss and Qi Ge fiasco was over. Things have been rather peaceful since then with Shen Yuan mostly spending his time talking and teasing his brother while focusing on his recovery. Talking with his brother made Shen Yuan realize just how much he missed Jiu Ge's sarcastic remark and long lectures regarding his stupidity. He knows his brother doesn't mean more than half of the things he says and he just does it out of embarrassment which hasn't changed a single bit since they were children. He loved talking back at his Ge Ge and teasing him along the way much to the dismay of the older twin. His brother would always just either complain or sigh at his stupid antics but go along with it in the end anyway.

However, as much as Shen Yuan loves having his brother's attention all to his own, he can't help but worry about his brother's personal life.

After the checkup 3 days ago, the healer informed him of his brother's daily life here at the peak as peak lord just as Shen Yuan had asked. All in all, it wasn't too different from how his brother had explained it. Filling in and organizing documents, missions, and meetings. However, it wasn't like he didn't learn anything new about his brother's current life in fact he learned a couple of things, one was that his brother was not only a master cultivator but also a profound scholar as well as a literary master with his specialty lying in poetry. It was a bit ironic for Shen Yuan to hear his brother became a scholar considering how much his brother used to hate his literature lessons with a genuine passion. But to be honest that was probably because of the monster. Shen Yuan didn't like those grueling lessons either where the monster kept breathing down on both his and his brother's neck.

Regarding his brother's health, the healer informed him that Jiu Ge has not had any kind of health complications since becoming a disciple at the sect only occasional small colds here and there from when he pushed himself too much or when he got injured during missions. His brother has been rather very careful of his health making sure he was always fit and healthy. He's been especially careful about qi deviations. According to the healer, after becoming a disciple it was one of the first things his brother immediately started researching. He pulled out every known book on it in Qing Jing Peak as well as consulted with many healers including Mu Shidi regarding the subject. As a result, he's had very few qi deviations since entering the sect.

Bringing Shen Yuan a sense of relief. Although he knew it was a completely unnecessary worry, considering how well his brother was doing, it was good hearing that his brother was healthy and that the qi deviation hadn't affected him in any way. He was also glad to hear that his brother was actually taking good care of himself since his brother had a bad habit of putting his needs aside for the sake of his brothers. Shen Yuan had thought his brother would have neglected his own health in favor of looking after him this whole entire time but it seems that wasn't the case. He would have thrown a party celebrating his Ge Ge finally prioritizing himself if it weren't for the reasons...

Well, all in all, other than those pieces of information it was pretty normal and the conversation was going rather smoothly that was until Shen Yuan asked the healer about his brother's relationship with the other cultivation masters here in the sect. Immediately the healer's expression stiffened at the question giving Shen Yuan all the answers he needed to know his brother's relationship status with other people which was none!

Seriously, what the fuck!?

Yeah, sure his brother isn't the easiest person to get along with that Shen Yuan will admit but come on people! You would think with all these different kinds of people here at least one or two of them would manage to see past his brother's tsundere side! All they have to do is look closely enough at his brother and they'll realize that he's just a huge fluffy teddy bear inside! Why!? Are they blind or what!?

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