Chapter 17. Chasing cars

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Chasing cars means, according to Gary Lightbody, the writer and singer of the song himself: Being infatuated with someone and chasing after them while knowing that they will never be yours.

I heard this song for the first time in 2008 in a show titled "Hollyoaks." They used it for a gay storyline. This show had many gay couples over the years, but I was only interested in Craig Dean and John Paul's storyline. Keep in mind that this was thirteen years ago. The homophobia was evident in the series then. It has gotten better since then. I think John Paul is still in the show. Yeah, it started in 1995, and it is still running. This song is my favorite song. I often listened to it before going to bed. I wanted to share some information about the song with you guys. I hope that you all liked it.

Zachariel's P.O.V

I had told Peter Elton, my former employer, that he could count on me whenever he needed help. I had never imagined that he would ask me to train his new employees. It took me two weeks to teach the men how to mix drinks and the right methods to serve them. I was looking forward to Friday. It would finally be my last day at the bar. I had noticed that I couldn't take the liveliness of the bar anymore. I drove straight home after my consultation with my psychiatrist was over. I had dinner, then took a shower and got ready to visit the bar. Damion and Jack, the new bartenders, were already waiting for me in the private room when I arrived. I put my jacket away then joined them behind the bar. It was not my duty to serve people, but I still helped the men out when they felt overwhelmed by work.

Peter and his boyfriend Guiliano walked into the private room when we were about to serve the first customers. Peter invited me to his office to inquire about the progress of his new employees. I smiled, then replied to him with, "I'm certain that they will fulfill their duties accordingly, Peter." Peter chuckled, then uttered, "Thank you for your hard work, Zach. I don't know how I would have managed to train them without you. I hope that I can open my second bar soon. It's hard to keep up with things here from the other location." I nodded, then replied to Peter with, "You are welcome, Peter. It was my pleasure to help you. Contact me if you need advice on something."

I left Peter's office when I saw on the security monitor that the bar had gotten busy. I closely monitored Damion and Jack while they served people. We had to be careful because one little mistake could ruin the bar's reputation. I didn't realize that people were trying to talk to me until Jack pointed it out. No good would come of talking to a stranger in the bar for someone like me, so I remained unwavering. I fulfilled my duty and waited for the clock to hit midnight. So I could go home and rest. A cold shiver ran down my spine when I heard Alexei greet me with, "Hello, Zachariel." I had instantly recognized my boss's voice. I couldn't believe that Alexei was at the bar. I had been waiting to meet him for almost two weeks now. I had told the kids that I would see them soon. I was sure that they were waiting for me to fulfill my promise.

I made my signature blend for Alexei when he told me that he didn't feel like drinking. I knew that it was risky for Alexei to discuss matters on his phone among strangers. So I led him to our locker room. The locker room was empty, and the security cameras wouldn't pick up the sound. Peter approached me as soon as I had closed the door behind Alexei. He pulled me closer to him, then asked me, "Who is he, Zach?" I smiled at Peter, then responded to him with, "He's Alexei Marquis, my boss." Peter's eyes widened in surprise. He tightened his grip on my arm, then asked me, "You mean the owner of the Marquis empire?" I nodded at Peter while pulling his hand off my arm. Peter looked in the direction of the door, then asked me, "Did he come here alone? I never expected to see him here."

I looked at my watch, then answered Peter with, "No, he's here with his friends and his bodyguards. It seems like his friends are already drunk. I assume that they'll be leaving soon." Peter looked into the crowd, then uttered while looking at Alexei's friends, "Those men attracted a lot of attention tonight. It's a shame that they won't be visiting us anytime soon." I chuckled then said to Peter, "It seems like you already know who they are, Peter. It's midnight already. I'm going home to have a well-deserved rest. Please, give me some time to get rid of my fatigue before you call on me again." Peter grinned at me, then yelled while pushing me towards the door of the locker room, "Get out of here, you big lug. I won't bother you for a while!" I got anxious when I saw Alexei rubbing his face in frustration. I felt sorry for Bertha. I had never experienced a mother's love, but I knew how hard it was to lose a loved one. Andrew died for me the moment he cheated on me. I had to mourn for him to get rid of his memories.

The C.E.O'S shattered heart (MxM, C.E.O X C.E.O)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن