Chapter 25. Mr. Marquis Part 1

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Alexei's P.O.V

Zachariel's eyes welled up with tears when the kids started calling him "Papa." He expressed his gratitude by smothering the kids with affection. The kids were happy with another doting father. Zachariel and I bathed the kids, then led them downstairs to have breakfast. I wanted to tell the kids about their grandfather but decided to wait. I was afraid of how the kids would react if they found out that I had deceived them. Zachariel stopped the kids from making plans for the upcoming weekend. The children pouted when they heard that Zachariel had a wedding to attend. They cheered up when I promised to take them to a park. I smiled while gazing at my beautiful family. I sighed when I realized that my father could change everything.

He could wreck Zachariel's mind by uttering outrageous things. My father had always been a dominant, unyielding man. He liked things to be a certain way. My father got angry when he didn't get his way. People felt intimidated by him. Zachariel looked startled at me when I squeezed his hand. He smiled, then asked me, "Are you nervous about meeting your father, Alexei?" I shook my head, then answered Zachariel with, "No, Zachariel. My father's words don't bother me. I'm worried about the kids and you. I hope that he doesn't start shouting hurtful things to express his anger." Zachariel chuckled, then responded to me with, "I'm sure that Briac and his mother will make sure that things don't escalate while your father is here, Alexei. And if something does go wrong, then Bertha and Ocean will be here to guide the kids to their room."

I rubbed my face in frustration, then said to Zachariel, "I think that I'm more concerned about what I'll do to my father if he doesn't accept you or the kids, Zachariel. I don't think that I'll be able to control my emotions if he misbehaves. What if I get angry and hit him in front of the kids?" Zachariel stroked my head, then uttered, "Stop worrying about things that haven't happened yet, Alexei. You are amongst family here. Charlotte knows how to handle every situation." Charlotte had been quietly observing us while going through a grocery list. She nodded at Alexei, then said, "Zach is right, sir. The guards will be on standby to guide Mr. Marquis out of the mansion if he misbehaves." I sighed while looking at my adorable children, then said, "I have something important to share with you guys today, kids."

I chuckled when the kids looked questioningly at me while munching on pieces of carrots. I composed myself, then uttered, "Your uncle Briac and uncle Chance will be visiting us this afternoon, kids." The kids didn't seem excited. I couldn't blame them because Briac and Chance hadn't visited or called them since our trip to the beach house. The children's eyes widened in surprise when I added, "They won't be coming alone, kids. Your grandfather and step-grandmother will also be joining them." Jacques put his carrot down, then asked me, "We have a grandpa, daddy?" Jacques always wanted to have a loving family. I looked in sorrow at my youngest son, then answered him with, "Yes, Jacques. There is a reason why he never visited us."

Dominique scowled, then asked me, "Is it because he doesn't like us, daddy?" I quickly got up, then walked to Dominique. I placed a kiss on Dominique's head, then responded to him with, "No, baby boy. It's because I have never told him about you guys. Your grandfather and I don't have a good relationship. I wanted to wait till you guys were a little older to introduce you guys to him. You guys will understand his intentions when you meet him now. I won't interfere if you guys decide to spend time with him from now on." Genevieve grabbed my hand, then uttered, "It's okay, daddy. If grandpa truly cared about you, then he would have come by every weekend to see you. We didn't even see him once. We don't mind that you didn't tell us about him." I wasn't surprised that Genevieve had understood my sentiment. She had always been empathetic.

Zachariel lovingly stroked Genevieve's head, then said, "That doesn't mean that your grandfather won't care about you guys either, Genevieve. You never know what's going on inside someone's head. I'm sure that your grandfather will fall in love with you guys the moment he lays eyes on you." Genevieve giggled when Zachariel added while tickling her, "You guys are pretty cute and cuddly, you know?" Dominique squealed, "Papa!" when Zachariel bit his cheek. Jacques screamed, "No!" while covering his face when he saw Zachariel approaching him. Zachariel picked up Jacques, then said while placing kisses all over his face, "Nice try, little panda bear. No one is safe from the cuddle monster."

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