Chapter 37. Tranquillity

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Zachariel's P.O.V

The Malachi family had left their mark on me. I couldn't get my biological mother out of my head no matter how hard I tried. I spent my free time working, training, and educating the kids to forget Caterina Malachi. I started feeling calm and happy after a few days. I knew that my temperament would change after meeting Axel. Axel always came up with the most effective methods to solve problems. I hoped that he wouldn't ask me to break up with Alexei after listening to my troubles. It was evident that I started bumping into my biological family after meeting him. I guess it was inevitable. I was in the big leagues now. I felt relieved when Axel canceled our meeting on Thursday morning. The organizers of the seminar he was participating in had asked him to discuss his book at a gathering.

Alexei got angry when I called him to say that Axel was busy and couldn't see me. He huffed then asked me, "What kind of psychiatrist is he, Zachariel? Shouldn't he put his patients first? And why didn't you explain to him that you were in desperate need of guidance?" I groaned then answered Alexei with, "Axel helped me get through tough times, Alexei. I would never stop him from reaching his goals." Alexei sighed, then replied to me with, "I understand, Zachariel. Don't hesitate to call me whenever you feel dispirited." I answered Alexei with, "Alright, Alexei. I love you. Bye," then cut off the phone. I suddenly remembered that it was Ocean's birthday. The children had asked me to buy a birthday cake and some flowers for her. I drove to a cake shop and bought a three-tier cake for Ocean.

I purchased twenty beautiful red roses at a flower shop, then drove home. I parked my car at the gate, then asked one of the guards to help me carry the cake. The kids didn't expect me to be home so soon. Genevieve peeked her head out of the living room when she heard the front door open. She squealed when she noticed the large cake box. I smiled at Genevieve, then asked her, "Where is the birthday girl, Genevieve?" Genevieve grinned, then replied to me with, "She's in the visitor's area, papa. Ocean's mommy and daddy came to see her. Bertha said that Ocean's parents are hippies and that they travel a lot. That is why they don't visit Ocean very often." "They at least showed up on her birthday," I thought to myself while handing Bertha the flowers. Bertha grabbed the roses, then asked the guard to follow her to the patio with the cake. I chuckled when Dominique scratched his head, then asked me, "What does hippie mean, papa?" I stroked Dominique's head, then responded to him with, "Hippies are people who love nature, Dominique. They wear colorful clothes and like to be free. They are against violence and travel a lot. Hippies are also very kind and caring people, little penguin."

Dominique giggled, then uttered, "Traveling around the world seems like a lot of fun, papa. I will certainly do it when I grow up." "There we go again," I thought to myself when I saw Dominique smirk. I felt sorry for Alexei. Dominique had a long to-do list. I was sure that he would leave the nest as soon as he reached eighteen. Jacques slowly walked into the hallway. He had presumably fallen asleep in the living room. Jacques rubbed his eyes, then asked me, "Is that the reason why Ocean's mommy and daddy named her after the ocean, papa?" I pinched Jacques's cheek, then answered him with, "It's possible, Jacques, but ask Ocean about the origin of her name when you see her, alright." Jacques's hugged my leg, then said, "Okay, papa."

Alexei had built a guest house next to the mansion to protect his privacy. Most of the maids were live-in maids. Their family often visited them. Everyone who worked at the estate was allowed to spend time in peace with their families at the guesthouse. I decided to decorate the patio with the kids to surprise Ocean. We had just finished putting up some balloons when we heard Ocean yell, "I'm back, munchkins!" I sent Genevieve to summon Ocean, then waited for her arrival. Ocean picked up Genevieve, then walked to the patio with her. She looked in shock around when she heard us yell, "Happy birthday, Ocean!" I took Genevieve out of Ocean's arms when she started crying. The kids looked in bewilderment at their favorite maid. Ocean smiled at the children, then said, "These are happy tears, munchkins." Charlotte came to see what was happening when she heard the commotion. She shook her head, then asked me, "Why are you creating problems for me, Zach? What if the other maids also demand a grand birthday party?" I threw my arm around Charlotte's shoulder, then answered her with, "Oh, come on, Charlotte. The other maids wouldn't dare to complain. They all know that Ocean is special to the kids." Charlotte groaned while looking at the children.

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