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Two Years Later


Luisa's eyes fluttered open to the room beyond. She was at the edge of the bed and her eyes trailed to the wooden floors. She took a deep breath, feeling Roan's hand tracing her ascension tattoos and then to her arm band.

She rolled over, meeting his emerald eyes and faintly smiled, hovering over him. Her head buried in his chest as he continued to graze her body and placed a kiss on her hairline.

"We should probably get up," she whispered. He hummed, wrapping his arms around around her to flip her over and he said, "Just one moment."

He slowly blinked before pressing his lips on her belly button and flipped his hair back as he went up. When he reached her shoulder, her head placed in the open space and ran her hands down his flexed back.

"Don't leave me," he spoke, nipping her ear lobe. She dryly chuckled and he pulled back, falling onto his side as she got up, tying her hair up. She tried to ignore the kisses on her shoulder but gave in, brushing her lip against his before standing.

Slipping on jeans and a black long sleeve, the shoulder plate buckled perfectly across her chest and she stepped into the skeletal boots.

"Come to breakfast," she suggested. "Soon... but I had a large meal last night," he explained. He pointed on the counter and she raised her eyebrows, grabbing the medallion and placed it between her sharp eyebrows.

"Bye," she mouthed, leaving the room. Going across the foyer, she knocked on the door to Madi's room and she heard a loud groan before entering.

"Moonshine?" she asked and the teenager replied a blank response. "Don't come to class like that or you'll be on farm duty."

Madi shot up with wide eyes and repeatedly shook her head. Luisa's ears perked up at the sound of the bell ringing for breakfast rotation and she clapped her hands for her daughter to get ready before stepping out.

Emerging from the Commander's house, she smiled at the sight of the common ground and in the distance, the village and farmland. She smiled and waved at the people who called out her name as the guards led her to the expanded dining hall.

When she entered, everyone paused to look at her and she nodded for them to continue eating. She made her way to the long table on the far left and sat at the head in the back where her friends had already taken their seats.

A plate was placed in front of her and she thanked the server and dug into the scrambled soy, bread, and fruit.

"Since when did you get your hair dyed?" Murphy asked, sitting down. "I'm testing colors," Clarke answered, tucking the red strand. "Good morning to you too." "Well I like it," Luisa assured her.

Her eyes lifted when Octavia entered carrying Hope and sat down at their table. Luisa motioned her hands and the two-year-old shimmied out of her aunt's hold and waddled to her to be carried.

"How's Diyoza?" she asked concernedly. "Just a mild cold, Abby said she'll be fine," Octavia told her as she started to eat. A mug set in front of her and she followed the hand up to see Raven holding work papers.

"We just finished moving all of the generators and anything valuable from the bunker, what do you want us do with it?" Raven asked. "Why don't you take a break," she suggested.

"I say drop it," Octavia commented. "Nothing good happened there... both times." Luisa's eyebrows raised and Raven sighed, grabbing a chair and sat down.

"Well yes, there were horrific incidents there but it is my mother's crypt," she began. "So make it into a burial ground." "We burn our dead," Clarke pointed out. "Then put the ashes in there, or even the bodies," she said.

"Hell, call it Final Dusk," Murphy pitched. "We can work on the name later," Raven said and she stood, grabbing a roll and her coffee and left.

"Mama," Hope babbled for Diyoza. Luisa froze and her glass-like eyes stared at the child in her arms. The word had struck her noggin and created a pit in her stomach. She quickly snapped out when Diyoza took the child and Clarke's cold hand touched hers.

"Are you okay?" the blonde asked. "Y-yeah," she said. "I have to go." Standing, she quickly blinked to readjust herself and left the hall to take fresh air outside.

She made her way down the hilly trail that led to the village where people were barely waking up for the next rotation. Walking down to the last group home and back to clear her mind from the vague memories she returned to the common ground. Entering the throne room, she sat down and waited.

"Adheda," Gaia spoke when the door opened. She led the line of six novitiates down the red aisle and they took a seat around her. She nodded in dismissal and the Flamekeeper walked out.

"Henry, Viktor, Madi, Ava, Ida, and Gale," she said their names. "Heda," they replied. "The six of you are the Second Nightbloods. Abby created more for the sick and the rest of you to continue the bloodline and obtain the Flame."

"Rise," she said and they stood after she did. Stepping onto the aisle, they formed a line behind her and she led them to the Flamekeeper's sacred temple afar from the throne room.

Inside, the yellow candles illuminated the room and they awed at the painting of the original story she started to tell. Some smiled at the tale of the First Commander and Flamekeeper.

They had fell into a sort of trance when she began to sing the Grounder Anthem and some sung along if they knew the lyrics. "That's alright," she said. "You will perfect in Trigedasleng."

Going back to the throne room, metal, stone, and twine had been laid out on the table for them to circle. She explained their task on to create a sword and they began.

"Ida, you don't want your blade to fall off, correct? Henry, you can begin sharpening. You too, Viktor." As they worked, she wanted them to multitask and asked them, "If you were stuck in the bunker as Commander, what would be your first act to supply food?"

"Grow more," Gale simply said. "We all become plant-eaters," Ava agreed. "Well... Octavia's plan wasn't ideal but if it meant surviving..." Madi trailed off, keeping her concentration on her sword.

"Maybe you'd make the perfect Red Queen," Henry muttered. "They already call you Kliripa." Madi laid her blade on his shoulder, nearly letting it graze his skin.

"Enough," Luisa broke in a firm tone. "All of you must learn to ignore rude comments, especially when it comes to being Commander. Heda did this, heda didn't do that. They will find one way to destroy your leadership with words. You cannot tend to all of their needs and complaints but make sure they all agree on something.""Like Wonkru," Henry thought and she agreed."

"Now, all of you are on farm duty." "But we-" "When one fails, all of you fall," she cut Ida off. "We are One Clan, we stick together. You will learn to work and fail together until time comes when it is just you."

"Gaia," she called out. After a moment of silence and they set down their handmade weapons, Gaia entered and took the bunch away.

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