Seek Higher Things

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Luisa awoke to Roan's hand rubbing hers and she squeezed, assuring him that she was fine before standing. Her head turned along with her body as Cadogan and his disciples entered the stone room.

"Cadogan." "Franco." She dryly chuckled and pulled her arms behind her back. "I know your beliefs of transcendence are true," she began. "Mother saw it. But the transcripts are not correct."

His eyes glistened and he raised his eyebrows, "How so?" "You think it's a war but that's all we've been fighting for. It's a test," she told him. "The Bardoans failed and thankfully Mother denied it, humanity would've been wiped out because we weren't ready."

Luisa moved to the Anomaly Stone and clicked the silent symbols, moving it around to touch all seven digits. "You won't take the test," she said. "I will. Don't kill them but keep them out for five minutes and let Cadogan in so he can graze something he'll never touch."

She drew her sword and handed it to Roan as the stone whirred around and opened a white portal she remembered from the story and was sucked in.

The white light died down to the throne room of the tower in Polis and she stepped onto the red aisle. Inside, the room wasn't illuminated by candles but the light of the clouded skies seeped through the windows, leaving it dark and gloomy.

There was a gleam in the distance and walked forward and halted, holding her breath to see Lexa sitting on her magnificent throne. Her legs were crossed in the Commander's clothing as she twirled a dagger.

"Bella Franco," she greeted, stepping down. "I am your judge for every emotion you've felt towards Lexa. Your mother denied the test but do you accept it?" "Yes."

"The Flame has been deactivated so you will answer from your heart, not your head. So tell me," she began, pacing herself around her and the dress and shoulder plate trailed behind her. "What is love?"

"Love?" she repeated with a small frown. She closed her eyes to allow every emotion of the word to fill her body. "Love," she smiled. "Love is something you cannot touch but feel. Love is patience, kind, sweet... I could go on for days."

"You have all the time," Lexa told her. "Yes, love is everlasting," she said. "Love is unexplainable. You can love someone, friends, and family." She turned her head to see that the five minutes were done and Cadogan had entered.

"Do you understand what love feels like?" she asked the two. "I feel whatever you feel," Lexa answered. "That's the question, isn't it?" Cadogan asked. "It's about love."

"It is gentle," Luisa continued. "Like a mother holding their child as tight as they can, blocking out the dangers; the unimaginable." 

Another person entered the portal and she saw Clarke pointing a gun at Cadogan. Irrationally, when the gun fired, she jumped in front of the man in white and the bullet lodged in her left shoulder.

"Luisa!" Clarke exclaimed as she landed on the floor. She held pressure on her arm and rolled onto her back. She sighed, assuring her she was okay, and lifted, locking eyes with Clarke and they trailed to Lexa. When her head turned, she rushed into the beings' embrace.

"I am not the Lexa you think of," she said. "I don't care," Clarke cried. "Lexa said Love was weakness," Luisa spoke. "It is but it can also be a strength if you channel it."

"Cadogan," she looked at him. "Love is hate and regret. No matter how many times Reese said he hated you, deep down I knew there a fraction of love." She paused and stood, groaning from the bullet in her shoulder.

"I can't hate you," she began. "You're just like Mother who sought higher things. I just took it to the extreme so... love is forgiveness. I forgive you." She faced Lexa who was released from Clarke's hold and ended, "That is love."

"Thank you," Lexa said. There was a pause and they all looked at her when she said, "All of humanity will be able to seek higher things."

Somehow, a rush of excitement filled her and could drown the pain from the bullet in her arm and she noticed Lexa smile. Clarke gave one last hug to Lexa and glared at Cadogan it was time to leave.

"Can I see her?" she whispered. Lexa nodded and in a blink of an eye, Becca had appeared, wearing the same t-shirt from the Flame. Without words, she rushed towards her for a big hug. Tears streamed down her eyes, feeling her arms wrap around and it felt better than it was like in her head.

"Bella," she whispered, stroking her hair. "Nice and short, like mine. Just Bella." She couldn't keep it is as she sobbed into her shoulder. "Love is gentle, like a mother holding their child."

Finally stepping back, Becca lifted her arms and she was snapped back into Bardo. They followed as she put on her helmet and clicked the symbols back to Earth and spawned in the throne room.

"Madi!" she shouted. "Dad!" Stepping onto the ground, majestic golden trees had scattered Eden. "What the hell?" Murphy asked. "Transcendence," she told him.

She used the tip of her dagger and slit the back of her neck to whisper the passphrase and removed the Flame, shattering it on a table with the bud. She grabbed Roan's hands and looked back at her evolving friends and looked back at him as she glowed.

"Seek higher things," she whispered, looking up and the light covered her body.

Luisa landed in front of her treelike body and confusedly looked around. "You have transcended," her mother's voice spoke and turned around. "But you'd also like to stay here."

"What does that mean?" she asked. Her ears perked up when she heard someone shout, "Apogee!" from the riverside. "They chose to stay here too. For eternity, we are cosmic beings."

Smiling at her, she took off into the woods and for the cliff. She skidded to a stop and looked down below to the figures and rushed down the rocky hill. She took deep breaths before sprinting towards her friends and jumped into their arms.


It's Quiet Uptown- Hamilton

Towards the Sun- Rihanna
(That was a the last song from the first book chapter Calamity)

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