Separation Ceremony

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"Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf" (1-9) Luisa sang, pressing the keys to the piano that was exported from the bunker. "Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf," Madi repeated.

"Good. Ona, tu, tre, fo, fye, si, septe, ei, ni" (1-9 Trig) she said and Madi replied with the same tone and keys. "Good." "Can I go now?" Madi pleaded and she warmly nodded.

"Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf," she sang in the silence of the throne room. "What language is that?" her father questioned from the door. "Sinclair only taught you Latin and you learned Trig on your own."

She smirked, returning to her practice, and saw him sit beside her. "And you never learned piano," he said. "It was decoration in the bunker you were hardly in."

"French from a passed Commander," she smiled, closing the keys. "Their memories are easier to access. Especially since I know I have an AI in my head." "Can you do calculations?" he joked.

"Well we all believed that the Flame degraded over time," she began. "It hasn't. Technology doesn't lessen, it just needs to be accessed the correct way. Maybe the Flamekeeper's teachings have simplified to suppress the power of the Flame."

"And you think that?" he asked. "Maybe so, but I'll still like a teacher to guide me," she said. She faintly smiled and opened the keys again to play the light notes.

She caught him staring at the keys and motioned him to set his fingers on the white ones. Pressing his fingers, he played the correct note and sung along with counting numbers.

Disrupting their peace, his walkie-talkie crackled for him. "I have to go," he said, getting up. "I think you should see Gaia." She managed a smile when a kiss was placed on her head and she listened to his footsteps recede when she struck a deep note.

She closed the piano and stood, walking past her throne and own the aisle to reach outside. Making a left, there was a short trek until she reached the sacred temple and entered.

The shed was illuminated by candles and decorated with the paintings of the beginning and she could see the launched pod her friends had used.

"Heda, I was about to call you," Gaia said and she nodded. "I just realized that we never completed the ascension and with everything that went on, it must've slipped my mind." "Like what?" "The separation ceremony."

Gaia motioned her to sit down and she did, crossing her legs and watched as lit a candle between them. "This is to lock Sheidheda away in the Flame so he doesn't deceive you," she explained. "Now please, close your eyes."

"He won't," Luisa spoke up. "He claims Flamekeepers deceive us but he's wrong." "Have you ever spoken to him?" Gaia questioned. "He sits at the table," she said and her eyes enlarged.

"When Blodreina challenged me to solo gonplei, I fought the first half. She was able to put me down but I asked Malachi to override me the same way Lexa did. He practically won and when he was going to take the final won, I made him kneel to me," she explained. "I am his Commander."

"Wow," she exhaled. "I'm quite amazed that he gave up. No one has ever done that." "Instead of a separate ceremony, it should be an overcoming." Gaia nodded and grabbed the book to write down the steps to lead the future Commanders.

Luisa stood and on her way out, she said, "Soon, they will thank you, Seda."


Dinner was a quick meal and she sat at the outside table to stargaze. An arm wrap around her neck and she grew tense but it settled when she felt Roan's scruff brush her cheek.

"Yumi bag au" (You and me to the bedroom) he whispered. She lightly chuckled, gazing into his emerald eyes, and followed him inside.

She quickly unclipped her shoulder plate and cape from the links on her arms as he pressed her against the wall of their room. She ran her hand down his chest and unbuckled his vest to touch his bare skin and he removed her clothes to lay her on the bed.

His kisses scoured her body, making a tingling sensation in which she smiled too. She wrapped her arms around his head as he continued to peck her neck and her eyes slowly blinked away to sleep.

"Shit," Reese muttered. Luisa shot up into the lab to hear alarms blaring as Reese rushed around the counter and type on the computers.

"What's going on?" Becca asked before she could. "Just because I turned off the stone doesn't mean it's silent," he hurriedly explained. "You didn't do the separation ceremony and Sheidheda was locked away with the sound."

"Will she be able to hear it?" Becca questioned, going onto the computers. "Faintly, but she'll be able to handle it," he said. "I'll try to keep it down."

Luisa watched confusedly as he ran out and she furrowed her eyebrows at her mother who grabbed her hand.

"We shouldn't have shown you the story but now you know what's on the other side," her voice cracked. "Don't open it, never give anyone the code. Keep the Flame and notes okay, Bella?" She nodded, feeling her hand cup her cheek. "Die, before giving it away," she whispered.

Luisa could feel Roan's arm around her body as she peacefully slept. His hand moved to her armbands and her back and traced from the infinity sign, down to her ascension tattoos and the feeling somewhat activated something; a little chime.


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