Welcome to Bardo

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Luisa's head snapped to the left when the doors swung open and Raven halted. Monty came in behind her and was amazed to see the Anomaly Stone standing on its own.

"Cool," he whispered, waving a hand underneath it. "What else can it do?" "It can make portals," she said. The two traced their hands on the symbols and Monty said, "It's like a language... stonian."

"Do you know how open this so-called portal, now that you've stopped the sound?" Raven questioned. "Yes but I won't. It will just stay here as decoration," she answered. "We should go eat."

She clapped to snap them out of a trance and closed the doors on the way out as they went to the dining hall for dinner. Sitting at the head of the table, she was more relaxed to eat a full meal.

She exhaled, drinking water to fill her stomach, and leaned back. "Did you get your extra food?" she asked. "Shared with a few others," Octavia said. "Of course, charity work," Murphy muttered and they glared at him.

"I'm going to get some sleep now that it's quiet," she exhaled, standing up. Leaving the hall, she made her way across the common ground and entered her house.

"Have you eaten?" Luisa asked when she poked her head in Madi's room. "I'm going third rotation," she said and she nodded, going into her room and plopped on the empty bed, wondering if she'd get shut-eye.


Two or three hours later, Luisa shot up to hear wild chattering and turned to see Madi had barged in.
"Something's wrong," she said in a panicked tone and she rushed after her.

Stepping through the crowd that had surrounded facing her throne room, guns were aimed at the intruders in blue suits and a golden-like helmet.

"We are looking for the key," one spoke. "We know you have it. We saw the sketches in the stone room." From the scars and face tattoos, her medallion seemed normal as Roan stood in front of her so she could take off her shoulder plate.

"Heda, what's going on?" she directed at Clarke. "Please, give us some time for my council to discuss. Stay here," Clarke told them. "Gon op. Eni ashon, frag op!" (Guns up. Any movement, kill them!)

Clarke turned so that they'd make a pathway for her and they piled into the hall. Luisa ignored their confused expressions and sat down, rubbing her head.

"How'd they even get here?" Raven asked. "As I said, the stone can make portals... intergalactically. It was never mentioned that the other side was habitable but I guess it is," she explained. "But to where?"

She laid out sheets of paper from Clarke's art classes and sketched different sized planets on each one. At the bottom, she named them: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon."

"Those are the expedition planets for Eligius III," Shaw pointed out. "Alpha and Beta were argued so those are both out. Delta and Epsilon never received transmission, so that leaves Gamma." "They went to Gamma without a ship," she muttered. "Took you guys years but them seconds."

"What does that have to do with the Flame or key?" Bellamy questioned. "They saw the images so they know we have it." "The Flame was destroyed," she said. "That's the story. To them, Clarke is the Commander, only give them the information you know which is bare."

"And what if they want me to come with them?" Clarke asked. "Then we all go as your guards. They'll have to take us together. Okay?" she instructed. "Have Miller get our weapons, we have to be prepared."

Luisa tore up the pages, regretting not have done that to the others. Miller entered with the finest weaponry and they geared up. She paused when her father and daughter entered.

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