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"Isn't that the Second Dawn guy?" Clarke questioned as Luisa paced herself around the room. "The guy Jaha showed us." "Bill Cadogan," he answered, making her scowl at him. "The same guy who...." Murphy trailed off. "Oh, you're fucked."

"You must've been put in a cryogenic chamber like me," Cadogan said. "If you know who I am that means you hold the key. What do you call it?" "The Flame," Raven answered.

"Is Calliope in there?" he asked and she stopped to pivot. "No, Cal never took the Flame," she answered. "Cal," he faintly smiled. "What about Be-" "Don't you say her name," she almost shouted.

"I think you should leave before she tears you apart," Octavia advised. "She's not the type to get angry but when she does..." "I'll give you time to think before you share the code with me," Cadogan lastly said.

Her eyes flicked in flames and she bolted towards him when Roan and Bellamy grabbed her by the arms and she screamed, "I won't give you anything, you bitch!" as she watched him leave.

"Let go of me," she demanded. She tugged away from their grasp and moved to the corner, to punch the wall. Her head pressed on it and felt the coldness slightly calm her down as she closed her eyes and took a shaky breath.

"Mom," her voice cracked, seeing her at the end of the table. "I'm sorry- I shouldn't have opened it." "It's okay, Bella," she kissed her head. "Don't let him deceive you. Don't let your anger cloud your judgment."

"I guess it's my time," Reese spoke. "He'd want to speak with me." Becca stepped away and allowed him to touch the back of her neck.


Reese lifted his head to the white wall and turned around to see Adheda's friends concernedly staring at him. The one she called Roan approached him but he held up a hand for him to stop.

Their ears perked up when the door opened and he became visible in his father's eyes. "Are you ready to give me the code?" he asked.

"Justa drein op jen daun au" (blood must have blood) he spoke, inflicting fear in his eyes. "Wh-why are you speaking Ancient Trigedasleng?" Octavia questioned.

"Aftó katalavaínei" (that's what he understands, Greek) he answered, which left them confused. "Reese," Cadogan spoke. "Hello, Father."

"Reese Cadogan, the Second Commander," Clarke said his full title and he glanced at her. "Please, let us dine in private, we have so much to talk about," he said. Pulling his arms behind his back, he followed Cadogan out of the room to another where a feast had set out, expecting to speak with Adheda.

"Sit, sit," Cadogan told him, and he did, laying the napkin on his lap and poked the chicken on the plate. "For now, I don't care about the stone, tell me everything about you."
Reese took a bite and drank the wine in the cup and leaned back to sigh, "Now you're interested in me."

Pleasingly, he raised his eyebrows and began, "After you left, I took the nightblood serum and buried the stone in the bunker. I was able to breathe above ground and Calliope was happy that I chose her side. In private, she believed I was worthy to bear the Flame, and with that, I became the Commander.

"Trikru trusted her until they trusted me when she stood by my side and started a new nation. Baltimore was getting old and we named Polis after me, Greece, and the Polaris space pod. We and her friend, August, continued the language of the trees and reigned over the thousands of Second Dawn inhabitants for a good nine years.

"Until she was killed. No one knows who did it but I was there during her last breaths. Her death was worse than Mother's. August thought I killed her and we got into an argument and he stole my idea of expansion in the snow and left with his followers.

"I fell into a deep hole as everything slipped away from me. Some had followed in August's footsteps and started clans in the other places. After five years of mourning, Ice Nation marched on Polis and August killed me. The worst part is, I didn't bother fighting, I just prayed to see her again.

"Unfortunately, my spirit was reserved in the Flame. A month later I see August inside and he tells me that he's Commander as his second, Theo, was King of Ice Nation and they had conquered everything."

"You did better than what I'd expected," Cadogan said. "That's because I was in your shadow, trying to prove my worth but Callie helped me become a leader," he told him. "Greece and Calamity, ongeda."

"Why are raising your voice?" Cadogan questioned. Reese clicked his tongue and rested his elbow on the table to point at him, "I hate you. I hate you for making me feel bad about myself. I hate you for choosing your beliefs over your family. I hate you, Father. I hope you remember this for the next millennia you work to get the code."

Like a Commander, Cadogan's eyes glistened but with a blink, the pain of his words washed away. Reese stood and went for the door to knock on. Already grasping the map of the place, he returned to the stone room and sat down on the side.

"August," he snarled, seeing him on his throne. "Reese," he replied as he sat down. "Can I go next since we're taking turns?" Stressfully, Adheda nodded and August stood to place his hand on the back of her neck.


Pluto Projector- Rex Orange County

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