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August opened his eyes and smirked, leaning his head back. He looked back at all the eyes staring at him and smiled.

"The hell's wrong with you?" Murphy asked. "Nothing much, how about you?" he said. "I'm not your friend by the way."

"Then who are you?" Bellamy asked. "They call me-" "I swear if you say Sheidheda, I will shoot," Raven cut him off. "No, she wouldn't let him here," he said. "I am August kom Azgeda."

Octavia somewhat laughed aloud but he noticed it wasn't directed at him and chuckled along. "What's so funny?" he said in a firm tone. "Go ahead, Roan," she said.

"I was King of Azgeda," Roan answered. "And..." August trailed off, narrowing his eyes to see the scars on his face. "You must be Theo's descendant." "This is so weird," Murphy muttered.

August ran his fingers through the long hair he was given and started to do three braids on the right side. "We don't have time for a beauty salon," Clarke snapped. "Wait," Raven stopped her. "That's Calliope's hairstyle."

"Glad to know you're educated," he clapped. "Callie and I were friends, inside and outside the bunker. I didn't know that Reese had become Commander until after I made Theo my second. They asked me to help them start a new nation. It was the three of us: Commander, Flamekeeper, right hand; a tribunal.

"Too bad Cal died. I went ballistic and took my people to the snow and started Azgeda. Years later, I returned to Polis and killed Reese, and joined the conclave. Those people were weak and I became Commander.

"Theo became the King of Azgeda and that was our best moment in history. Although there were other clans, we were on top. Strong and ruthless, they feared us. Trikru was dumbed to be our first enemy.

"I was killed by the Mountain Men and returned to the Flame. Mind you, I will never forget that I was part of Trikru, I had a tattoo on my arm."

"So the entire feud between the two clans was because of you?" Roan asked. "Well, Calliope did die and I was angry," he said. "But something better came out from it."

"Alright on your sob story and we all know you loved Ca-" "You talk a lotta shit for someone who can't fight," he cut Murphy off. "Getting beaten by a Fleimkepa and all." Bellamy snickered in the corner as Murphy backed off.

"That's why he's dead," he continued. "Didn't he kill Lexa?" "Yes," Clarke murmured. "Not his first," he chuckled. "They said I was bad for killing Reese but after two Flamekeepers Sheidheda killed, Titus killed him; thank the Spirits he didn't kill Kena. Aura and I had great Flamekeepers, the best gift to a Commander.

"Hey!" he shouted. "Can I get a beer or something fermented?!" "The hell are you doing?" Raven asked. "I should be served if they wanna get something from me," he explained. "This place is too posh to not have any drinks."

His head lifted when the door slid open and the worker, Levitt, entered, glancing at all of them and approached him to hand out a drink but August stared at it.

"Drink it," he urged. Levitt confusedly stared and continued to offer it. "You may try to poison me to read my mind so... drink it." His eyebrows lifted as Levitt pulled back the cup and walked out, leaving a smirk on his face.

"You guys wanna hear a song I wrote back in the day?" he asked, getting their looks. "No," Raven sighed. "Yumi na teik won sonraun au? Medo ste thonken, medo drein au, oso kik raun ogeda, soulou, ai laik yu gona, ai na get raun, you," he sang.

"Why, did you write it for Callie little Auggie?" Murphy teased. "No, I had my own significant other," he assured him. "Is this how you treat your Commander? Talking back? You guys could barely grab the drink and die for me. She either lets it slide or these rules have simplified."

"She lets it slide, August," Clarke said which made him stand. "She doesn't have us drink before her or die for her. She'd rather sacrifice herself for us, something I think you wouldn't do. She is all of the Commanders in one."

Towering over the little blonde, he continued to walk until she was pressed on the wall. But before he could say something offensive about Lexa, Roan pointed out, "She is Wanheda, the Mountain Slayer."

"Kill me," she threatened. "Then it'll prove how she is better than you." He leaned into her ear to whisper, "Now I see why they respect you... Wanheda. But... I do thank you, however... I died for Theo. Don't ever think I wouldn't do that."

He stepped away, letting his hair whip back, and smiled, "I wouldn't have killed you because Adheda's quite scary. That's what almost happened to Sheidheda when he threatened one of you."

Finally quieting down, he held a finger and walked to the tablet that showed the translations of a text. He pointed around it and mouthed, "They're watching."

"Transcendence," he said aloud. "It's what they believe the stone can lead them to," Clarke explained. "The former inhabitants, Bardoans, failed the Final War and became crystals."

"Transcendence," he repeated. "Final War." He turned to face them and laughed loudly, leaning back and clapped his hands. "Sounds like a conclave and ascension," he sighed.

"Anyways, I don't know anything about the code, it was locked away." "So why are you still here?" Octavia questioned. "She needed time to think," he explained. "Might as well destroy the Flame and kill herself."

He met their shocked eyes as he sauntered back to his spot on the side. "It's not my choice," he said, unfolding the papers in his pocket. "My time ended a long time ago." His eyes went down the note and he smiled at Calliope's handwriting.


The Lineage I made
Becca Praimheda
Reese kom Trikru
August kom Azgeda
Aura kom Boudalan
Malachi kom Sangeda
Kena kom Delfikru
Lexa kom Trikru
Luisa kom Wonkru

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