May We Meet Again

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"The end," Luisa concluded. She stopped twirling her baby hair and laid on her stomach to see the sketch Clarke had just finished on the floor.

"Is there more to the story?" she asked. "No, I like a happy ending," Luisa smiled. She gazed at the artwork that plastered the floors and walls knowing it would have to be cleaned.

"Roan's crown is crooked," she chuckled but Clarke rolled her eyes. "Did I get them right?" the blonde asked. "Your descriptions are... spotty." "You got them just right," she said. "Octavia's, 'we're back bitches' and the sleeping Lexa is just right."

"When did you have time to create all of this?" "As I went," she smiled. "It was easy." Clarke chuckled and hummed, "Wanheda. I kinda like it."

"Which story was your favorite?" Luisa asked curiously. "Hmmm," she wondered. "I like the City of Light. You thought about me when you pulled the lever."

"Luisa," she said, getting quiet. "Do you really think your mother was a mad scientist from Generation 1?" "A girl can dream," she said. "This genetic mutation will be left a mystery."

Her head lifted to see the spot she declared Eden had once again been visible through the window above them. She stood and took the tiny piece of chalk to make a tally; she was eighteen.

Clarke stood and tightly hugged her. "May we meet again," she whispered. Luisa repeated the phrase when the door compressed open and a breeze of air and light shot in.

"Prisoner 118," the guard spoke. "It is your time." The second guard held Clarke down as she struggled in his grasp and screamed. Calmly, Luisa placed her hands behind her back and felt the zip ties pinch her wrist as she was led out.

The guard closed the door to the cell and pushed her to start walking. She glanced through a window to see Octavia's face, one of Monty and Jasper, another holding Finn, and she walked past Bellamy who distracted himself by cleaning the floors.

She was taken to an airlock where the Big Three stood and stared at her but she could see the horror in her father's eyes. She was untied to give a last hug and she did for him and her sobbing grandmother.

"I love you," they both cried into her shoulder.

"Your crimes of aiding and abetting an illegal child will be punished in death," Jaha spoke. As Shumway took a hold of her arm, the chancellor continued, "In peace, may you leave this shore, in love, may you find the next, safe passage onto our final journey to the ground, may we meet again."

She faced the leaders that stood on the opposite side of the glass as the air compressed. Her eyes locked on the three and she said, "May we meet again," before the button was clicked.

Her body was ejected from the station and the emptiness sucked on her skin. It dried out her lungs to compress on her heat and shrunk her skull to squeeze her brain. She shriveled into a glass-like creature and floated in the dark abyss.


Touch- Sleeping at Last

This was the ending for Book Five but this is the end End

The 100: Anomaly Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon