Anamoly Stone

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"The hell's wrong with you?" Octavia asked blatantly when Luisa stopped screaming. She sniffled, trying to stop her tears when she fell unconscious.

"Why didn't you say she was hearing things?" someone whispered. "Because I didn't think it was serious," one refuted. "She was fighting perfectly fine." "Until I put her down and she broke." "Yeah, over the music, we could hear her screaming from the hall."

"What did she say was going on?" "The Flame enhanced ultrasonic frequencies from an ancient stone." "Then destroy it," one pitched. "The stone." "I hope she's okay." "Look, she waking up."

"Luisa," Kane's distorted voice called out. "Luisa." It was finally clear alongside her vision when she stared at everyone inside the medical curtain. She felt her father's hand in her right, Roan's on her left, Madi at her legs, and her friends around; claustrophobic was something new to her.

"She looks scared," Murphy whispered. "Do you even know your name? Are you our Commander?" Raven slapped his arm to stop asking questions. "Yes, Murphy," was all she said which made everyone sigh.

"All of you out," Abby ordered. "Now." Murphy and Raven were the first to leave and Clarke, Bellamy, and Octavia seemed to linger before stepping out. "You guys can wait outside," she said and they left.

Luisa was trying to rise when Abby motioned to lay back down but she ignored her. "Do I have a tumor?" she asked. "Did you get an EMP?" Abby questioned. "The overworking didn't do anything just drowned out the sound of the chime you hear. Has the volume increased?"

"Every time I think about it," she said. "Like it wants me to break it free. Maybe the past Commanders couldn't hear because they didn't know it existed but I do. And it's worse because I know exactly where it is, who put it there, its purpose, and all the answers."

"What are you going to do about it?" Abby questioned. Luisa's eyes met hers and she stood, leaving the corner to find her family moved to hug her. "I'm okay," she whispered. "I'm okay."

She stayed in their embrace for a moment and finally pulled back to get fresh air outside. The sun was coming up and she took a deep breath and drank the water Madi offered.

"Raven!" she called out and she approached her. "Get mining gear and cranes to carry something heavy. We leave at noon." "Where are we going?" Raven questioned. "Final Dawn bunker."

Major Bird nodded and when she turned, she was met with her father's face.

"You sure you want to look for something that's driving you crazy?" he asked. "It's driving me crazy because I don't have it," she said.

Moving away from him, she quickly walked to the Flamekeeper's temple and pulled out her whiteboard to push it into her throne room. She erased everything on it and ordered someone to get the remaining notes and chest.

She pinned the Anomaly Stone sketch to the board next to her mother and Calliope's notes. Writing down everything she knew about it, she was finally called that it was time to leave.

She put on her cape and shoulder plate, stepping outside, and went for the dropship. Boarding it, her curious friends were inside and she waved a hand for Shaw to lift the ship.

"How do you know that it's in there?" Clarke asked. "Reese showed me a memory," she said. "It's definitely in there."

The ship had finally landed on the cleared out land of Polis and the tower was at its half. Getting off, the sign to the newly named bunker stretched on the front and they dropped down the ropes.

The blood to the fighting pits had been cleaned and all she could hear were the shouts of the cultists ready to go to the ground. She grew tense when a bullet fired and felt it graze her shoulder.

"From the Earth, we will grow. From the ashes, we will rise," she muttered. Automatically hearing the chime, she followed the sound down the screaming concrete hallways and turned to the recreational room.

"We only brought the piano because that's what you requested for," Raven told her as they entered. To their eyes, the room looked comfortable but through hers, it had been turned from a sleeping quarter and science room to an enjoyable area.

Climbing the short steps, she received help to push the couch and table. She crouched down and pulled off the rug that seemed glued to the ground, revealing the Azgedan symbol which she grazed her hand on.

"You don't know everything," she exhaled. "Break it open." Stepping to the side, Raven radioed for people to bring out the drills.

"If Reese who was from Trikru, buried it there, why would he put an enemy logo?" Roan questioned. "He was feeling artsy," she simplified. "Other than that, I don't know."

She kept her ears open as the rest covered it at the loud drilling. The concrete burst into hundreds of pieces as the point smashed through it and they were a metallic ring when something was hit.

"I know we all heard it," Murphy pointed out. Cleaning off the debris, a golden plate was seen through the hole. Raven shouted more orders for bigger mining weapons to dig out the treasure. "For a moment I wanted to call you Crazy Kane," Murphy snorted.

When the stone was finally hauled out of the space, they stared in amazement. "I thought we were talking about a stone that can be held in your hand," Clarke commented. "It looks exactly like the drawing," Raven said.

From the golden glaze of the swirl to the bumpy symbols, it was she had been told not to release. The chime had slowed down but was still faint, wanting her to access the code.

"We're taking it back to Eden," she said. "In my throne room." Calling more orders, workers came in and drove a metal rod through the swirl and others pitched in to help carry the massive weight.

She followed them down the quiet hallways and when they reached the hole above ground, a crane hauled it into the ship they boarded.

Finally returning to Eden, the same procedure was given and the villagers stared as it was carried across the common ground. She opened the doors wide to the throne room and sat down, watching them place it on the left of her.

She crossed her legs and waved a hand for them to leave. When their footsteps receded, she stood and approached it. She leaned closer to hear the chimes clearly and it reminded her of a lullaby.

Curiously, she pressed a note to the song and moved around the orb to finish the keys. "That's better," she sighed. A rumble filled the room and beneath her feet when it detached from the stand and defied the laws of gravity.

"The Anomaly Stone," she faintly smiled. "The opposite of a phenomenon."


Dahlia's Song- The Originals

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