Art Class

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Faint images flashed underneath her eyelids. With the sight of smoke and flames, Luisa shot up in a big gasp.

"You okay?" Roan questioned. "Just slight nightmares," she told him, putting on a shirt. "Nothing unusual." She placed the medallion on her forehead and stepped onto the grass, covering her eyes from the bright sun.

Stumbling around, she made it past the medical center and into a shack. She looked into the darker room when a plate fell from the ceiling and foam splattered across her face. She held her nose and released a groan, wiping out eye holes.

"I thought you were Bellamy," Murphy spoke in a pit of laughter. "Apologize, John, she's the Commander," Emori said. "What is she going to do? Hang me? It was a harmless prank," he justified.

"Was it?" she questioned. She stared at him for a short moment to feel uncomfortable until she dashed towards him and slapped a hand full of the foam across his face. Emori laughed at him as he caught his balance from the painful strike.

"That's going to leave a mark," he muttered, throwing a towel at her to wipe her face. "What's going on?" Bellamy asked, entering.

"Finally, you got rid of that..." Murphy trailed off. "Facial hair." "I forgot what I came here for but clean up," she ordered, walking out. "And Bell, you look better... than a nomad."

She lightly laughed, sauntering to the throne room. Before she could sit down, her father entered and had quickened his pace down the aisle.

"Hi dad," she smiled, hugging him. When she pulled back, she noticed his wide eyes of a new idea. "We should start a currency," he thought.

"No," she denied and he confusedly frowned. "It will turn into a caste system. Rich and poor. Mainly where my family and friends are the rich ones and everyone else is feeding off of scraps because they can't afford it. Maybe ID cards like the Ark for meals, but it should stay agricultural."

"The Wise Commander," he hummed. "Abby should be coming down soon, she's done with helping the sick with nightblood." She nodded as she lowered her head for him to kiss and she watched him leave.


"Hey Ash," Roan greeted, leaning at the door frame to Echo's group home. "Don't call me that," she snapped, pulling him into the foyer.

"Isn't that your real name?" he teased, sitting down. "No one else knows that," she said. "Not even Bellamy." Even he knew Luisa's real name.

"Why won't you tell him?" "Then I'd seem like a liar or identity thief," she explained. "It wouldn't matter if he loved you some much," he said. "I think he'd understand. Especially if it was hard for you to tell him, he'd make sense of it."

She reluctantly nodded and he stood, shaking wrists, and walked out of the house.


Luisa entered the hall where two tables were filled for Clarke's art class and she sat down. The blonde stood at the front with an easel and a mix of paint to instruct the class for a calm sunset.

When she began to paint with orange, Luisa slowly drew away from reality and lifted her knee to her chest. She placed the notepad on her leg and used the piece of charcoal to draw. She wasn't the best artist like her friend but the few tips in Skybox enhanced her ability.

Her wrist flicked, sketching out a squared face and basic female features. It defined when she drew frizzy hair and three braids down the left side of the head, putting her in a torn black dress. Beside her was a male in the same attire but had the Commander's shoulder plate and medallion.

Flipping the page, she turned it vertical to fit the stacks of wood. It formed splinters and somewhat of a crossed pyre and drew a woman wearing beige clothing, with her hair blowing in the wind.

Another page was used to shade the sides in black, leaving a white circle in the center. Drawing a three-dimensional swirl, she marked lines on it; characters. She continued to shade vigorously until it slowed down when she turned the page.

A couch formed on the landscaped page. An almond-shaped face was sketched out with closed eyes, a small nose, and thin eyebrows and lips. The hair was pulled on the side as they slept and the arms were laid gently on the stomach.

"What are you drawing?" Clarke asked. Luisa finally lifted her head to see that everyone had gone and looked at her friend. "Huh?" Her eyes trailed back to her paper to see that she had drawn Lexa and tore the page, giving it to Clarke.

"I was just drawing what I felt," she said, noticing her glazed eyes. "You could probably do better." It fell quiet when she stared at the sketch too long. "Her biggest regret was leaving you at the mountain," she whispered. "If she could go back... she'd choose to stay."

She stood, knowing they'd need to use the hall for dinner, and patted Clarke's shoulder before leaving with the notepad. She stood in the middle of the land and flipped through her drawings, finding them meaningless, and went into her house to set them on a table.


Dinner finally ended with everyone drinking moonshine and Luisa retreated into the warmth of her home. She poked her head through Madi's room to find she had gone to sleep early and walked into her room.

Roan had stood and approached her, pulling her into his hold for her to lay her head on his shoulder and sway. He rubbed clockwise circles on her back and hummed.

"I found this," he said, parting. He slipped into his pocket and showed her the medallion in his palm. She gasped, touching her forehead and groaned, "Must've fallen off with Murphy's 'harmless prank.' Thank you." She placed it on the table and turned to him, "If I had encountered Indra or Gaia today, they would've gotten everyone to search for it."

He dryly chuckled, returning to the same position they were in where his hand rubbed up and down. "Bella," he whispered and she hummed. He leaned back to cup her face and held his wrists, looking deeply into his eyes before his lips fell on hers.


Godspeed- Frank Ocean

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