TWO: Change Your Attitude

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Red's POV:
It's like I just know that person before, but I just can't remember. It's been over a year and I only know so much about these players after all that time. But, I think I can gather enough information if I can just start a conversa-

Maroon: Hey, get off me!

Red: Why?

Maroon: I don't even know you! Get out of here!

Red: Well, I think I do, you look familiar. It's like we've played before. Are you..Maroon?

Maroon: How do you know my name you weirdo? Leave before I report you to the others!

Red: You've changed since we've last played. You used to be so caring and so kind to others, but look at you.

Maroon: Yeah, so what? Look like I care? Listen, I don't care if I've seen you, or your puny little self, but get this in your head, I don't care and I never will care about anyone else.

Maroon: Now get away.

As I couldn't even utter a word.

It's almost like Maroon had became Rainbow 2.0, Rainbow was one of the few players I had remembered after all this time, other than Pink and Lime. I wonder after all these years Maroon became much wiser and more of a jerk to everyone. I swore he had an argument with Flower Pot after she had just pushed him on accident while walking from O2 and back for like the millionth time.

It seems to me that he had definitely the biggest change out of all of us and I don't think his persona shall come back. Sigh. But maybe, just maybe, if I just had evidence, we could recover our friendship that had started so long ago.

But, only time will tell.

Flower Pot's POV:

Flower Pot: Hey! What have I ever done to you? I'm just trying to play here, why you got to be all pushy about it?

Maroon: Get out of here, or I will make you.

Flower Pot: S-so? W-wh-what do you think you will do?

Maroon: Kill you. And I will not hesitate to.

Flower Pot: So you're the impo-

Maroon: If you say one more word, I will end you.

Maroon: Now leave.

It's almost like this person is just Mastermind, but less smart and more of a jackass. I don't know who he is, because we've never played together before. But whoever he is, he is very intimidating. I may try to secretly press the emergency button, in hopes he doesn't see me.

But if I'm going to be honest, I'm scared of that too.

Pink's POV:
Well, it's been fun! I will go have a chat with Maroon, I'm hoping he remembers me. That game was like no other, we had all odds going against us!

Pink: Hey Maroo-

Maroon: What's with all these strangers today? I don't know you, get lost, two steps: simple.

Pink: You don't remember me? Remember, I'm Pink, the one you won the game with?

Maroon: Oh, you...what a hopeful, jolly person. Yeah, I'll miss that side of me, but, it ain't coming back. So leave, or else.

Pink: I don't even know you either...

It's like, he's changed! I wonder if Red knows or has something to do with this, maybe we can "fix" him, or change the way he is. I don't like this new and improved Maroon!

Here's to hoping we finish our tasks before the first meetin-

Blueberry's POV:
Blueberry: Fruits, fruits! I saw someone's body! Fruits! The Artist died!

The Chosen One: Not you again...didn't we kick you out last time 'cause of how annoying you were?

Blueberry: Fruits >:(

Pink: Hey, calm down, he's at least saying sentences. Blueberry, where was the body?

Blueberry: Admin, and it was like nothing I've seen before! It was!

Pink: Did you see anyone walking from or to admin?

Blueberry: Yes, fruits fruits fruits, Maroon!

Maroon: What?! Stop getting your food up in a bunch Blueberry. It was..Red!

Red: You remember me, you liar!

Pink: Break it up, break it up!

Red: So you You're so full of yourself all the time! Why, why did you change yourself Maroon, it's like I don't even know you anymore, you're a completely different person!

Maroon: Umm, I mean, who are you? I've never seen you before.

Red: Cut the act. You know me. You know me.

Pink: It's almost like he does remember all of us, he just doesn't care anymore.

Red: You don't even care about the people who got you here...? What happened to you?


Red: No.

Maroon: What?

Red: Just, no.

Pink: No, Maroon. Even if you are a different person, and I doubt you will change back to who you are. But, look to everyone you know. They aren't friends with you because of this, they are friends with you because you'

Red: You know what?

Red: Vote me. I'm the imposter.

Maroon: What? can't do that..I'm the imposter, I-I swear.

Red: Just vote me, let's get this over with..I killed Orange, just VOTE ME.

Maroon: STOP! Why are you doing this to me..?

Red: It's what friends are for.

Maroon: N-NO, STOP!

...Red was not the imposter, 4 imposters remain.

A/N: ...

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