THREE: Spill The Tea

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Maroon: ...

Pink: Maroon, are you ok?

Maroon: Spare me the details, I don't want to talk about it.

Pink: Just...don't make the same mistake I did.

Maroon: Wh-what do you mean?

Pink: Don't let Red become your Rainbow.

Pink's POV:
It wasn't easy talking to Maroon. But..ever since Red was voted off just to save Maroon, it was very quiet around him. It's like he doesn't want to show it, but he cares.

It's safe to assume he still had known Red, but didn't want to admit it. To say why isn't very easy to understand. You see, Maroon was definitely one of the more laid-back and more caring of the crewmates. He didn't want to fight, and all he wanted was peace, even if he were to sacrifice something in return. Like...oh I don't know..Lime?

I guess Red returned the favor.

Mastermind's POV:
I'm pretty good at my job I would say. Saving Flower Pot would've been a good part on my end. Who knows? Maybe we can become alliances. Her personality can do me so well. Now, with these 7 players I've already played with know who I am and they know what I can do. I'm glad they were able to make it to where more than 10 players can join in one server. Since now, I can backstab more of the other players I don't know very well.

Tear them apart, I would say.

I noticed Blueberry, lying dead, in Reactor, but I didn't report it as to them thinking I was the imposter (which I'm clearly not). Although, it may not be the worst idea to have someone walk by, and have them report it while I stand by. It's so easy having these gullible idiots to give in to my defenses and counter-arguments.

I am very suspicious of Maroon, as his outbursts this game have been quite compelling and interesting to say the least. I could use these arguments against him in future discussions.

Option B would be is to become friends with him and tell him who and who not to kill. He isn't doing much of a good job on hiding what role he really is. The problem is, however, making friends with Maroon.

Stories I've heard is that Maroon was actually a nice person from beforehand. I guess people tend to change after so long (thankfully I don't), and I guess it appeals to whatever attitude they choose to follow.

Not saying I would prefer that, but hey, whatever floats your boat, right?

Devil's POV:
These 8 newbies I've never heard of are really getting at it with each other. Maroon is being a jerk to everyone, but I guess Red tried to convince him to turn back. Did it work? ...I mean, he tried. I don't know if he changed or anything, but I'm sure it got him only so far. Pink may be his secret savior. Who can really know?

Regardless, these losers better step up their game. We haven't found a single imposter yet. Honestly, the only evidence we've gathered is how they are stacked against Maroon. I'm betting my dice that it'll be him. But, it could be someone else. Maybe...Angel? Mastermind? Blueberry? ....Pink?

We aren't exactly the best at getting imposters, that's for sure. Like how the previous games me and the 6 others have done, we got ate up and spat out. We did so bad, even Mastermind felt like he even didn't do good. Now that is rare.

Mastermind's POV:
My plan is about to work. I've got..uh, who's that? Quiet One...?, locked in and I'm going to have her see me! This will be a piece of cake. The meeting starts in 3...2...1....

Everyone's POV:

Quiet One: ...

Devil: I think she's trying to say it's Mastermind!

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