FIVE: Give Me A Second Chance!

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I disposed the bodies, sir.

They're in the fire as you asked for. None of them are remaining...

Very good, you may take a rest. Your 20-hour shift was quite tiring, I can tell.

Thank you, sir!

Uh...sir? What's wrong? Your face looks of-HELP! MY BOSS HAS GONE ROGUE!

???: Don't go anywhere...

Maroon's POV:
I...I don't even know what to say. I'm...I'm hurt. I wish, I wish everything was like how it used to be. When all we had to face was Lime, and when we all were friends. Look how we tore each other apart.

Maybe the parasite wasn't here because of us, but rather how our spite and hatred to each other let it grow and regain its power. I feel so guilty....this is all my fault..

Sir, please..tell me what's don't look very well. Please stop what you're doing..

RüÑ âwĀÿ¿

Sir, I can't leave you here! Please, what's got into you?!

ít'Š tÒö łÅTē...¿


Maroon's POV:
Imposters should win by now, but because everyone is gone, it breaks the code, and now, we're....I'm stuck here.

Seems like the parasite didn't last as long as I would've thought. Maybe Pink had sacrificed herself just to save me? The parasite must've already got to the others, killing them one by one, and absorbing their energy and the life it sucked out of them.

Turns out, this was much more than just a parasite. It was a nightmare, that became reality. It was a massacre, no one could do ANYTHING. It was hopeless and the only way to defeat it was a soul for a soul.

Did she save me? I don't remember, but I must've been overwhelmed by all the weight and the guilt that built up from the past few days. Don't know how I feel about it...

On one hand, I'm so thankful and blessed to have someone like Pink, risking her life just so she can save someone else's. On the other hand, I just have more guilt as I know it's my fault that this had happened in the first place.

The parasite we're dealing with feeds on fear and animosity throughout the crew.

It took me a bit of analyzation to realize this, but I'm glad I did, as this information will prove to be necessary in the long-run.

I'm looking forward to what comes in the future, even if the past looked very grim for me and my friends. I hope I can redeem myself somehow, the problem is, how can I do that?

Now that the parasite has been killed, just from Pink's soul, going to show how powerful she really was, it's going to be a problem fighting and getting back the souls it took. I have a plan though, it's risky, but it's definitely quite the plan. It's crazy how far I've gone in change and learning who I really am.

Pink had taught me to be a better me, and I can't just thank her for that. Red was such a great friend, and I know I say that a lot, and that's because I mean it.

The plan is to find some thing that can lure in the parasite and let it feed on it as I try to release all the souls by getting into its center. The problem is, of course, finding the key to how this plan would work. I need a way to lure it in and even then I'm going to need another plan just to get to the middle of it.

I'll probably find out along the way, but hey, it doesn't hurt to plan ahead, right?

Maroon: Oh dear, what do I need?

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