ELEVEN: The Last Problem

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A/N: Now this, this is really the series finale. It's time. Their final enemy is upon them, the universe itself. Everything they have worked towards lies on this final battle. Will they make it out alive? Will they fall short of their goal of saving the world and end up losing to karma? You'll have to find out in this epic season finale. Sure, it won't be as long as the three-parters. But it will serve as a nice, satisfying conclusion to the crew-mates you all know and love. Stick around and you'll see all of the extra loose ends get tied up in this chapter. G'day and I'll see you back when this final chapter is over!

No One's POV:
The clouds in the sky turn grey. The world is fading. Something's wrong. Very wrong. Soul utters his last words.

. . .

Soul: What was the cost?

Soul turns to dust as the crew-mates are left to wonder what he meant.

Red: Hm? What do you mean?

The ground under them starts to shake violently.

The Chosen One: Oh no.

The Chosen One: What have we done...?!

The Chosen One: We messed up!

???: Indeed, you have. You must pay for your deeds.

Orange: Who said that?

The Chosen One: Soul was right! Now we're really doomed...

Everyone screams and panics out of control. Ruffles finds the others after what felt like forever. He hides behind Mastermind, shaking in fear of what's happening—and rightfully so. Nothing could have prepared them for what happens next.

The violent shaking comes to a full stop, to everyone's relief. Ruffles stops shaking and looks up to the crew-mates.

The Artist: What...was that?

The Chosen One: We made something or someone mad—such as someone of higher being, someone who controls the ins and outs of the universe. What if Soul was sent out to destroy the Earth after killing the last of the parasites? What if he didn't want to do this all along?

Yellow: He seemed pretty intent on killing us..

Blueberry: There's no way that he didn't do all of this for no reason, so there's probably some justification of why he's doing all of this. Chosen One's probably right. I mean, it's a pretty good answer. The only other answer we have was "Flower Pot was bad so he turned on everybody". It just doesn't make sense! It's so nonsensical even my fruits would agree with me!

Mastermind: Seems like it. Well, it's safe to say our troubles are far from over. Who knows what this "higher being" wants with us? He's definitely ticked off. Soul was definitely sent off for something. We just need to figure out what that something is.

Red: Not only that, we can't just assume that something is killing off humanity. I'm sure it was a big part of it, but it wasn't his main goal.

Orange: How can you be so sure?

Red: I'm not. It's just a hunch.

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