"𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙥𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙣𝙩?" - 2

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you woke up yet again to the sound of your alarm clock, you got up quicker today because you knew that you have work. "yay" you thought to yourself in a sarcastic tone. you stretched your arms and headed for the bathroom doing the same routine you do almost ever morning, washing your face, brushing your teeth, using the bathroom, and doing some light makeup. after only taking about ten minutes in the bathroom you headed for your closet while glancing at the clock that was on your nightstand, "5:12" "okay i still got about forty minutes" you muttered to yourself while going through your clothes in your closet, as bad as you wanted to wear a cute outfit you knew you had to wear your boring work uniform, so you grabbed your uniform and started getting dressed.

you headed to your kitchen and quickly put a coffee and toast together and grabbed your heels and rushed out the door while putting your heels on. you looked at the time on your phone for about the 13th time this morning, "5:37??!!? shit i only have about twenty minutes and his house is 30 minutes away!!" you whisper-screamed to yourself while running to your car and unlocking it. you quickly drove out of the parking garage and to "master" togamis house. you had to call togami master or sir and you HATED it, but you were his servant after all.

your thoughts were cut short when you realized there was a car accident on the road you had to take. "can this day get any worse" you said to yourself while rubbing your temples. you decided to take the back road which took a bit longer but there was no way you would be able to get around this accident so you had no choice.


you finally arrived in front of togamis million dollar mansion, it always made you kinda sad when you drove up to it because you knew you would never live in a place like that. you parked your car in the employee garage, yes he has a garage for his employees, not because he is nice but because he doesn't want our peasant cars touching his, "what a dick." you thought to yourself. you got out of the car and walked in silently praying to yourself that he won't be pissed at you for being ten minutes late.

you headed over to the storage room and grabbed the cleaning supplies and began your normal morning routine of cleaning the kitchen, as you were walking into the kitchen though, there he was.


"good morning master togami" you said while slightly bowing. he glanced at you while placing his teacup on the table and sighing. "your late again" he said in his standard stuck up attitude. "i know i'm so so sorry there was a car accident and i had to take a backroad and-"
your rambling was cut off "you know i could fire you for this." he said while pushing up his glasses and standing up. he walked towards you and stopped right beside you "if this happens again your done here." he said while walking past you out the kitchen. you stood there for a minute and then sighed while grabbing his teacup and bringing it to the sink to wash. "i'm so done for" you thought to yourself as you finished washing his cup you began cleaning the kitchen.


you finished cleaning the kitchen and headed for the library next, you dreaded cleaning the library for two reasons, 1. how big it was, and 2. the number one hangout spot for your "favorite" douchebag. you stopped at the large double doors of the library and sighed before walking in, and of course there he was, reading like he always does 24/7. he didn't even bother to look at you because of what happened earlier this morning which made sense.

you began cleaning the desks behind togami when you might have made one of the worst accidents in your life,

*BANG* you dropped his very expensive statue, that he so adored. it hit the wooden floors and immediately cracked. you must have stood there in pure shock and regret for about ten seconds just staring at the broken statue on the floor until you finally glanced over togami who was still facing the table but now he wasn't reading his book, he had placed the book and is now seeming to be staring at the table giving off this "intense" vibe which you had to admit was sorta scary.

you had no idea what to do so you started picking up the many pieces on the floor, once you finished picking up the pieces you stood up and turned to togami, this time he was staring at you with his normal pissed off face, just a little worse this time. "i'm so sorry sir" you muttered out to him in a quiet tone. he narrowed his eyes at you "give me it" he said while holding out his slender hand, "the pieces..?" you asked even though it was pretty obvious that's what he meant but you just wanted to make sure. "yes you imbecile" he said while grabbing the pieces harshly from your hands "i'll have one of my repair men fix it" he said while adjusting his glasses. "you really are getting in my nerves today." he said while standing up and heading for the door. "asshole" you muttered under your breath, until togami stopped walking when he reached the door. "oh god." you thought to yourself in realization that he heard you, or course way to make your day even better. "what was that peasent?" he said while looking over his shoulder at you, "you do know i have full control over you, i could fire you-" "but you wont." you said cutting him off in a loud voice, "you always say that but you never do." you said in a slightly quieter voice. he was astonished at your reaction, because you had never done this before. "excuse me?" he said while slightly smirking. "who do you think your talking to? pet." he said while crossing his arms completely avoiding your statement about him firing you. "no, excuse you, i'm tired of you constantly bossing me around and being a dick towards me!" you said slightly screaming at him. this time he didn't say anything, he just stared at you while you stared at him, this went on for about three seconds until you nudged him out of the way while walking past him and left the room.


𝙃𝙞𝙨 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙖𝙣𝙩~byakuya togami x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now