"𝙝𝙖𝙟𝙞𝙢𝙚?!?!" - 14

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"bonjour, my name is (Y/N) and i'll be your server for tonight." you said with a warm smile as you took out your paper to write down the customers orders.

it has been two years since you moved to france with your now bestfriend and gotten a job at the upscale restaurant gastons. you were content, maybe even truly happy. but something has always felt off to you, and you never knew what.


"hajimeeeeeeeee i'm homeeee" you said while closing the door and taking off your shoes, "heyyy,  how was work?" hajime asked while looking behind his shoulder as he was cooking dinner "same as always" you said placing your bag onto the table and sitting down. "what about you?" you asked resting your face onto the palm of your hand. "boring, i never leave the house anymore." hajime responded as he finished up cooking dinner. hajime has been working at home for about a year now, and almost never leaves the house unless it's to go shopping.


"thanks for dinner, it was good as always." you said as you placed your fork onto your empty plate.

"thanks." hajime said quietly.

"hey are you alright?" you asked hajime looking at him from across the table.

hajime and you locked eyes for a few seconds, not getting a response. you sighed "alright look you can tell me later if you want then, no pressure." you said as you got up from the table and grabbed hajime dish. you put hajime and yours dishes into the sink and reached for the faucet until you felt the presence of somebody behind you. you turned around to face hajime who was strangely close to you "do you wanna wash the dishes or-" your sentence was cut off when you felt a pair of lips on yours. you were startled, opening your eyes you saw hajime kissing you while holding onto your waist softly, as if he was being careful not to hurt you.

the kiss went on for a few more seconds until you broke it. you were inches away from hajime face as he looked at you, making direct eye contact. "hajime..?" you muttered out as you tried to catch your breath from the long kiss. "i'm..sorry" hajime said softly as he backed away from you with red tinted cheeks.

you watched hajime as he walked away and closed his bedroom door. you slowly turned around facing the sink and stood there for a minute trying to gather what just happened. you softly touched your lips and gulped.


you finished washing the dishes and cleaning the table. "should i check on him..? or would that be awkward??" were the thoughts constantly popping into your head.

you walked towards hajimes room, ready to knock until you stopped yourself and instead put your ear up to the door to see if you heard his tv, music, video games, really anything. but instead you heard nothing. you moved your ear off the door and sighed. "i'm just gonna go to bed..." you thought to yourself as you walked to your room slowly.

you showered, brushed your teeth, and did everything else you'd normally do every other night. leaving the bathroom, you got into bed and laid onto your back looking up at the ceiling thinking about today. "what a exhausting day..." you muttered as you felt yourself fall asleep minutes later.


you awoke to the familiar sound of your beeping alarm clock, which you smacked repeatedly until it shut up. it had taken awhile for you to get used to waking up around 10:30 am, but you've gotten used to it by now.

you got up and stretched your arms while getting up heading to the shower. you took two showers a day, not because you were a clean freak or anything, but instead because it was refreshing to wake up first thing in the morning and take a warm shower. and plus, it made you smell extra good too.

you got out of the shower and dried off, "oh god please tell me i remembered to wash my uniform last night." you muttered under your breath as you walked to the laundry room with a towel still wrapped around your body.

you pulled a soaking wet uniform out of the washing machine. "oh for fucks sake." you said mentally face palming yourself as you threw your uniform into the dryer and started it.

as you were walking back to your room you heard a door click open, "hello!?!?" you said frantically looking in every direction of your small house, while grabbing the nearest object to you which was a vase.

you heard footsteps approaching you as you felt yourself get more nervous many the moment, "...(Y/N)...?" said hajime as he faced you while scratching the back of his neck. "oh- it's just you- yeah that makes sense" you said while awkwardly laughing as you placed the lamp down. hajime stared at your body that was being wrapped with a towel and gulped. you didn't realize why there was so much awkward tension until you realized two things, 1. what happened last night, and 2. you were practically naked right now. "oh sorry i'll be going to my room now, heh.." you said awkwardly smiling yet again while turning around and walking to your room, "god dammit hajime, why did you have to go make things so awkward last night.." you said smashing your palms onto your face.


you sat up startled from your bed to hear the buzzing of the dryer signaling the laundry is dried and ready. "well it's about fucking time." you said throwing your tv remote to the side of your messy bed as you got up and walked out of your room. you had put on clothes beforehand, just so things weren't more awkward then they should be.

you grabbed your warm uniform from the dryer, and went back to your room putting it on.
you finished doing your hair and makeup, and looked over at the clock on your wall, "great i. gonna be late." you said as the time was 11:35, and your shift started at 12.


after your long walk to work, you finally made it there, you walked to the back and into the employees only room and put down your stuff, "your 3 minutes late." said your manager shota. "sorry my dryer broke so i couldn't dry my uniform right away." you said quickly coming up with a lie. shota nodded and walked away. you sighed and grabbed your pen and paper, while walking out of the room.

you served your normal amount of the tables, and it was already 6pm, an hour before you got off of work.

"(Y/N)!!" said your cheerful friend who was currently running towards you, "aoi?"
"yeah i was in the area, so i decided to stop by" aoi said grabbing your hands with a cheerful smile. "okay okay but dont be so loud, you know the kinda of place this is" you said whispering to her. "i know i know it's to "fancy" for me" aoi said while sarcastically scoffing.
you giggled at her response "well i'm gonna go sit over the-" aoi stopped mid sentence while staring at something. "what?" you turned around to see what she was looking at "who's that cutie?" aoi said while whispering to me and pointing at your co worker steph. "oh her? that's steph why?" you said looking over at aoi. "she's. a server right? that means she can be my server?" aoi asked. "well yes but-" you didn't get the chance to finish your sentence as aoi was already speed walking over to a random table in steph's area. "but i thought i was gonna be your server.." you said while sighing.

"(Y/N)!" your manger exclaimed while walking over to you fastly. "yes sir?" you asked now focusing your attention over to your manager who was now in talking distance with you "your not busy right?" your manager asked while he looked over a paper he was holding, "well no not re-" you were cut off once again "okay great, my other server had a emergency to attend to, so i need you to take over her area, you think you can do that??" your manager said "i mean it's not like i can really say no.." you thought in your head "um yeah of course.." you said with a fake smile. "okay great" your manager said then started walking away.

you sighed mentally and took a deep breath, "well this is gonna be a long night" you muttered while heading over to your temporary area. "okay that looks like a large table..maybe i should get to them first.." you thought while you headed over to a large booth where you could say many heads.

"bonjour! my name is (Y/N), and i'll be your server tonight, can i get you guys started in some drinks" you said while bowing with a closed eyed fake smile out of courtesy. you stood back up straight and glanced at the men who were at the table, until your eyes stopped at one of them, a sight that made your heart drop.

you both made eye contact for about 5 seconds, and in those five seconds you felt memories rush through your brain.."togami..." you said to yourself.

𝙃𝙞𝙨 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙖𝙣𝙩~byakuya togami x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now