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Jody's pov.

"Jodes? Are you okay?" Tyler waved his hand in my face as I zoned out for a few seconds.

"Oh erm yeah, sorry. Nice to meet you, Polly. I'm Jody." I reached my hand out and shook hers politely.

"Likewise! I feel like I know you already, Tyler talks about you pretty much all the time." She laughed and bumped into Tyler's side to annoy him.

I felt my cheeks heat up a bit. He really talks about me that much?

"Just good stuff I hope." I chuckled nervously.

"Why haven't you told me that you have a sister before? Is she that awesome so you wanted to keep her all to yourself?" I raised my eyebrows and folded my arms as Tyler shook his head, giggling lightly.

"I didn't find out until I went to Saint Lucia and did some research about dad, that's when I found out about her. I wanted to tell you but it didn't feel right to just tell you over the phone, I wanted to wait until you could meet her." He explained while getting out a packet of chocolate biscuits for us to share.

I nodded while watching them both sit down on the sofa next to me. What he said made sense, I guess. To tell someone that you've found out that you have a sister (well, step-sister) over the phone is a bit weird. But none of that really matters now, I'm still in big trouble. I cheated on him. I cheated on my best friend and boyfriend because I thought he was doing the same thing. This is why I hate that I let my emotions control my actions.

But the question is, should I tell him? It was just a big misunderstanding really, maybe he would understand. Or he could dump me. I wouldn't blame him. But as selfish as it sounds I can't take that risk, he can't leave me again.

I looked up as I heard Polly starting to talk.

"So, Jody, you're treating my bro good right?" She watched me closely.

"Polly, leave her alone." Tyler rolled his eyes and held my hand protectively, I smiled at him to say thank you.

"Nuh-uh, she needs to know that if she hurts you in any way I'll be right there making her pay for it. And I don't mean with money." She looked deadly serious which made me gulp.

"I-I would never hurt him, I promise I wouldn't." Technically I wasn't lying, I wouldn't hurt him on purpose.

She nodded satisfied with my answer. Tyler glared at her and cuddled me closer to calm me down, it helped a little.

I still feel really bad about what I did to him, but if he never finds out then no harm done, right? I'll just tell Lucas to keep it between us, he'll understand he's a good friend. The guilt is eating me up though, but I guess that's the consequences of cheating.


Polly left after a while so I and Tyler could spend some time alone before Luke would be back from work, which we were grateful for. Whenever we hang out around people at tdg or here with Luke they're watching us like hawks, they obviously don't trust us. Yes, we are teenagers but that doesn't mean we're going to throw ourselves on each other the second we're alone, we prefer cuddling or just holding hands.

When we first started dating holding hands was a big no for the both of us, it felt too weird. For a while, I almost thought that maybe we were better of as just friends because of it. But now it feels like the most normal thing, him holding my hand makes me feel safe and relaxed. It's kind of amazing really, our hands fit together like they were made to hold each other.

I looked up from our hands and caught Tyler staring at me.

"What?" I raised my eyebrows at him and gave him a confused look.

"You tell me, you've been staring at our hands for at least..." He checked the time on his phone. "...Ten minutes now." He grinned at me as my cheeks turned to a light shade of pink.

I felt him pinch my cheeks gently.

"Aww, Jody Jackson are you blushing"? He laughed as I slapped his hands away and rolled my eyes.

"Shut it." I playfully glared at him.

He held up his hands to show that he gave up and cuddled me closer to him.


After an hour or so Luke came back from work. I still stayed for dinner as I hadn't spent much time with my brother lately, maybe we should arrange a day when we can hang out all day long. Like a brother and sister day. I think he'd like that.

Tyler walked me to the front door when I was leaving, he said he wanted to walk me back to the dg but I told him he didn't have to. We shared a goodbye hug.

"So, do you have any plans for next week?" He asked me as I slowly let him go.

"Erm no, I don't think so. Why?" I looked up at him a little confused.

"I might have planned a little surprise for you. I'll tell you the details on Sunday." He smiled and kissed my cheek lightly, which once again made me blush.

"Okay sounds good. See you tomorrow Ty." I smiled and gave him one last hug before I left.

I'm not going to lie, Tyler planning a surprise for me makes me feel even worse. I don't deserve it. I don't deserve him. Maybe I should just tell him...maybe. But by telling him I'd hurt him, and I don't want that. Maybe next week will be amazing, knowing Tyler it most definitely will be.

I nodded to myself. Positivity is good. Next week will be incredible, I can feel it.

Little did I know, the upcoming week would be the worst week of my life.


And that's chapter 14! Once again it took me a while to update, so sorry about that. Anyway, let me know in the comments what you're thinking, what do you think will happen in the next chapter?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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