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Jody's pov

I arrived at Lucas's house around eight pm. I convinced May-Li to give me a lift as it was almost dark outside, I had to promise her that Lucas's parents were home which I did even if that was a lie. I had packed my backpack with necessary stuff like pajamas, toothbrush and some movies incase the ones he had would be boring.

I got comfortable on the sofa and looked through the movie choices while Lucas got some snacks.

As I grabbed the Mamma Mia movie he called from the kitchen, " hey Jodes, do you prefer sour sweets or chocolate?! "

I immediately yelled back, " easy, nothing beats chocolate! "

I heard him laugh lightly which made me smile. His laugh is kinda cute. I started the movie as Lucas came back with his hands full of snacks.

I giggled and helped him to put it down on the sofa between the two of us, " this is enough for at least ten people you know. "

He smiled, " well I didn't want to seem cheap, and you deserve getting spoiled. "

I lightly blushed and looked down at my lap. This will be a good night, I can feel it.


A few movies later and we were still on the sofa watching movies and laughing. Oh yeah, we might be a bit drunk. I said no at first, I mean we're underage! We shouldn't drink it's wrong.

I folded my arms, " I am not drinking Lucas, we're just kids! "

He quickly nodded, " yeah sorry, you're right I shouldn't have asked. It just seemed like a fun idea but I totally understand. "

I nodded and relaxed, he's a really understanding guy. I slowly looked at the bottle he had brought to the sofa, underage drinking is wrong. I know that. But, it is tempting. Scott and May-Li wouldn't find out, and everyone else in school has been to loads of parties with alcohol but our careworkers never let us go. This could be my only chance. Besides, Lucas is with me so nothing bad will happen.

After a few minutes I gave in. It's just alcohol, what could go wrong?


I laughed loudly as Lucas danced around the room with his eyes shut, obviously drunk. But so was I. He held out his hands for me to join him, I giggled and took his hands and let him help me up on my feet. He picked me up and spun me around while I quietly laughed, I never knew being drunk could be so fun. Everything felt different. Everything felt so easy, I could dance around the living room for hours without a care in the world.

He gently stopped me from dancing and rested his hands on my waist.

He smiled lightly and stroked my cheek, " the guy who marries you in the future will be a pretty lucky guy. "

I giggled and looked down shyly, " you're too sweet, or is that the alcohol talking? "

He quickly shook his head, " nope. Well, yes I am drunk but I still mean what I say. "

I slowly looked up at him, " okay then, you're too sweet. "

He smiled and looked down at my lips for a second, maybe he thought I wouldn't notice, but I did.

He held me a little closer, " I know you're just hanging out with me to make Tyler jealous, but I really like you Jody. "

I slowly slid my arms around him and nodded, " I know you do. And I'm not just hanging out with you because of Tyler. Well, maybe I am but that doesn't mean that I don't like you too. "

His eyes widened, " hang on, you like me too? "

I giggled and nodded, " of course I do idiot, you're a good guy how could I not. "

He smiled and again looked down at my lips, this time he didn't look away. Instead, he started leaning in. Without thinking about what was really happening, I copied his actions.

And just like that, we kissed.

I knew it was wrong and I knew the alcohol in my system was affecting me and my actions right now, but I simply didn't care. At this moment it felt right.

The next day everything would change, and not in a good way.


Oops🙊 Things are about to go down...🤭 Anyway, I didn't proof read this so if there's any grammar misstakes or something just ignore that😂 What do you think will happen next for Jody, Tyler and Lucas? See you in the next chapter!

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