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Jody's pov.

Finding a boyfriend was harder than I thought. I'm currently walking through the park, I've already been to the gym but I know everyone there, they're my friends so it would be awkward if I tried to get together with one of them. Maybe I shouldn't try to find someone else, but then again Tyler probably has by now. I bet he's with her right now, someone really beautiful.

I shook my head and turned around to walk back home, that's when I saw him. A boy sitting on a bench all alone, reading a book. He was pretty cute too, not to mention his long, perfect eyelashes. Maybe this is a sign. It wouldn't do any harm to just speak with him, he could be nice.

I took a deep breath and walked over to him, when he didn't look up I slowly sat down next to him, but not too close. He's a stranger after all.

I cleared my throat awkwardly, " hey ".

The boy looked up from the book he was reading and made eye contact with me, he had big, blue, beautiful eyes.

He gave me a confused look, " sorry, do I know you? "

Great start, I mentally rolled my eyes.

I shook my head, " no you don't. I just thought you looked kinda lonely and you look like a nice person. "

He slowly smiled at me, " oh okay, thanks I guess. I'm Lucas, what's your name? "

I returned the smile and held out my hand for him to shake which he politely did, " I'm Jody. "


We spent the next two hours getting to know each other, it turns out we're actually really alike. We both love reading and he also likes boxing, he's funny too and tells alot of good jokes. I found out that he's got a puppy named Theo, that he lives with his dad because his mum passed away in a car accident when he was a baby and he only lives 20 minutes away from Ashdene Ridge. Lucas also happened to be 17, just like me.


I rushed downstairs to check the mail, I found a birthday card from Luke, he always sends me one each year along with some money so I can buy something I want. But that was it, one card. I looked through everything again incase I missed something but I hadn't.

Tyler had forgotten to send me a card for my birthday.

I shook my head and continued licking my ice cream while listening to Lucas talking about boxing. He had payed for the ice cream, I told him he didn't have to but he insisted.

He cleared his throat after he finished his ice cream, " hey I was thinking, maybe we can go and see a movie sometime if you want? I'd like to get to know you better. "

Is he asking me out on a date? Already? He seems really sweet though, maybe I should give him a chance. We have a lot in common after all.

I gulped and took a few seconds to think, he chewed at his fingernails nervously. I slowly nodded my head, " yeah okay, we can get to know each other more. Are you free this weekend? "

He put his hand down and relaxed, " yeah definitely! How about this Saturday at 7pm? "

I smiled and nodded, " it's a date. "

That's chapter two! The chapters will get longer, in the start they'll be a little shorter. Soon we'll have Tyler's pov as well! See you in the next chapter :)

I still need you - JylerWhere stories live. Discover now