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Tylers pov.

It's now a week ago since Jody ran off, I've been looking for her every day even some nights. I'm starting to get really worried, last time she ran away she was only missing one night. We've talked with her mum and MayLi even went there to make sure Jody wasn't there. She doesn't have her phone with her either so I can't call her or try to track her down.

What if something bad happened to her?

I'm not even bothered by what she did anymore, she only lied about being ill because she wanted me to stay. I mean she could have just told me instead of pretending to be ill, but I understand. Right now I just need to know that she's safe.

I went downstairs and grabbed an apple from the bowl before putting on my shoes and leaving. I got on my bike which is slightly too small for me now but it doesn't bother me that much. I took a bite of the apple and made a face, too sour. I threw it away and started pedaling.

I have to find her today.

I checked the park first as I've done the past seven days, she wasn't there. I glanced over at the slide, our slide. Then I suddenly remembered something, I know where she is.


I held my hand out for Jody, " I promise you won't get hurt Jodes, just a few more steps and you'll be down, and if you fall I'll catch you. "

She shook her head and held onto the ladder tighter, " are you crazy!? You're just 11 years your arms are made of spaghetti! "

I giggled, " oii! I have muscles you know. "

She shut her eyes tightly and groaned in frustration, " why did we have to build this stupid treehouse in such a big tree? "

I shrugged my shoulders, " because it's cooler if it's higher up. Do you want me to get Mike to help you down? "

She immediately opened her eyes and looked at me, " no! It's a 20 minutes walk back home I could fall and die. "

I rolled my eyes, " I really think you're overreacting, just let me help you down Jodes. "

She slowly looked at my hand and I nodded at her to take it, she hesitantly took it and let me help her down.

She hugged me and buried her face in my chest, " thanks Ty. "

I smiled and hugged her back, " it's okay, we don't have to go here again if you don't want to but if we don't the chocolate will get out of date. "

She looked up at me, " then you can climb back up and get it cause I'm never going back up there ever again. "

I raised my eyebrows, " never ever? "

She let go of me and nodded, " never ever, unless I run away someday and need somewhere to stay. "

I giggled and nodded before climbing back up and got the chocolate.


Jodys pov.

I sat down on the small bed and ate another slice of the now cold pizza. I sighed and looked around in the small treehouse, the walls are painted in white and is covered with photos of me and Tyler. I still remember when me and Tyler built this with help from Mike, well Mike built it all by himself. Me and Tyler just watched and decorated it.

I was so scared to climb down the first time, I thought it was scary but Tyler helped me.

I miss Tyler.

I heard a bike appearing then being thrown down on the ground which made me jump.

Who could that be? None knows about this place except for me, Mike, and Tyler.


No, it can't be him, he must have forgotten about this old treehouse.

I heard someone climbing up the ladder and I took a deep breath. Tyler's head popped up and he climbed up and sat next to me. I didn't know what to say so I just watched him.

He studied me closely, his thumb gently wiped off some dirt of my face. I looked down at myself and noticed how I look, my clothes are dirty and my hair is a mess.

That didn't seem to bother him though because he lightly smiled at me and whispered, " still beautiful. "

I blushed and looked away, how can he think this is beautiful?

I gulped and looked up at him, " Ty...I'm really sorry, about everything. "

He slowly held my hand and nodded at the pizza slices, " do you mind sharing? "


That's chapter seven! This chapter is a little shorter than usual, sorry about that :) I didn't proof read this either so sorry if there's typos.

I still need you - JylerWhere stories live. Discover now