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Loneliness. That's what Jody has felt the past six months since her boyfriend left to live with his mum in St Lucia. He was more than just her boyfriend though, he was her best friend, her partner in crime. They used to see each other everyday, sit next to each other around the kitchen table, play video games, watch tv or just hang out.

She missed him like crazy.

Some days were worse than others, today was a bad day. Jody laid in her bed looking up at the ceiling where she had put up some of her favorite photos of her and Tyler. She could imagine his voice in her head, his laugh, his dreads, his smile, basically everything. If he could see her now he would tell her to stop pushing everyone away and stop spending so much time on her own, you see since Tyler left she hasn't been herself. The first few days she really struggled, she would come downstairs to eat and to do her chores but apart from that she just stayed in her room.

Can you blame her though? She lived under the same roof as him for years and now she hasn't seen him for months, of course she misses him!

They text each other almost every day and some days they facetime too, but it's not the same. Two weeks after Tyler had left they agreed that if they met someone else during their time apart they shouldn't let their feelings for each other stop them from being with someone else, a decision they both regretted the second they hung up on the phone. It still made sense though, they maybe wouldn't see each other for years, that shouldn't stop them from being happy even if it's with someone else.

The girl had convinced herself that she has to move on and find someone else, Tyler probably had a new girlfriend by now. Someone beautiful...someone who isn't her.

She shook her head and got up from her bed, she grabbed her phone and bent down to put her shoes on.

Jody Jackson had made up her mind, she needs to find a new boyfriend.


So, that's chapter one! This is very short, but it's only the beginning. I hope you'll like this Jyler fanfic, I'm gonna try to post at least once a week to keep it going.

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