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Jody's pov.

I woke up and held my forehead, why do I have a headache? I looked around and realized I'm not in my room at tdg, I'm in Lucas's house. I got up from the sofa and saw him on the floor still asleep.

What the hell happened last night?

I grabbed some empty bottles from the floor and memories from last night's events started coming back to me. My eyes winded in panic as I started to remember everything, I closed my eyes hard, hoping it was all a bad dream. But it wasn't.

I quickly grabbed my stuff and left Lucas's house without waking him up. I couldn't stay there and face him when he wakes up, what was I meant to say? And what am I supposed to tell Tyler? Well, technically I don't have to tell him anything. So what if I kissed Lucas one time...or a few times? Tyler is cheating too and he probably has been for a while. If I get him to confess then I'll dump him and he won't find out about last night.

I nodded, satisfied with my plan. I took a bus back to tdg, everyone was still in bed as it's early. I went to my room and grabbed some clean clothes and took a shower to get rid of the alcohol smell, if MayLi would find out about me drinking I would be grounded for years.


After I had lunch at tdg I rang Tyler, he answered after a few seconds;

Even though I couldn't see him, I could tell that he's smiling, " hey Jodes! What's up? "

I lightly smiled, " Hey Ty. I'm just bored really, can we hang out? "

I heard him laugh at something, or someone, before he answered, " yeah sure, I can come to tdg and walk you here so you don't have to walk alone. Oh and I also have something to tell you. "

I gulped, I wanted to say that I already know what he's going to tell me, but of course I didn't.

I nodded, " okay sounds good, just text me when you're outside and I'll be out in 5. "

We said our goodbyes and hung up. I also have something to tell you. I don't know why I feel worried, I already know what he'll say. But I don't know how he'll say it, will he say it straight out or let me down more gently?

I closed my eyes and tried not to think about it, all I can do now is wait.


Tyler acted pretty normally while we walked to Luke's place.

He held my hand and looked at me, " are you sure you're okay? You're quiet and you look tired. "

Like you care.

I nodded and gave a reassuring smile, " I'm fine, I just didn't sleep much last night. I had to finish my book.

He slowly nodded, " okay...I mean I know you're lying, I can tell. But I'll let it slip this once. "

I rolled my eyes and just kept walking, we walked up to the door and I watched as he unlocked it.

He opened the door, " ladies first. "

I mumbled a thank you and walked in. I took off my shoes and got comfortable on the sofa.

Tyler copied my actions and turned to me, " so, about what I was going to tell you. "

Wow, he's not wasting any time.

I nodded, " yeah, what is it? "

He played with my hair lightly, " there's someone I want you to meet, someone who means a lot to me. "

He's brought her here?! For me to meet her?!

I gulped and nodded again, " o-okay. "

He called, " Polly get in here! "

Polly isn't even a good name, what are their shipname supposed to be? Pyler? Tolly?

I stopped thinking as she walked into the room, she was smiling. I hated it.

Tyler got up and put his arm around her, " Jody, this is Polly. My half-sister. "

My eyes winded as I realized what he just said, his half-sister?!

Oh no, what have I done?


Sooo, I know I haven't updated this book in ages, I've been really busy with school. But anyway, here's chapter 13!

I still need you - JylerWhere stories live. Discover now