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Song: All I want by Kodaline

( I recommend you to listen to this song, from Jody's perspective, it describes a lot how she's feeling in this book )

Jody's pov

Maybe blue? Nah doesn't match with red. I groaned in frustration and threw my blue jeans back in the wardrobe. I really need new clothes, I don't have any black or white jeans so I can't match them to one of my colored tops! On the other hand, this is a date, maybe I should go with a skirt? It's not my thing at all no but I kind of want to make a good first, well second, impression.

I remember the last time I wore a skirt, when I went to that dinner with Tyler. I had such a good time that night, we even danced together.


I sighed and sat down on my bed. Am I doing the right thing? I know we agreed to not let our feelings for each other stop us from finding someone else, but it doesn't feel right.

Maybe I should cancel the date and facetime with Tyler instead, we've both been busy the past few days so we haven't properly talked for a week now. I miss hearing his voice.

I shook my head and got up and decided to change into a light blue top so I could match it with my dark blue jeans. I can't cancel the date, Lucas seems like a good guy and Tyler is probably busy with his new girlfriend anyway.

I checked the time, 6:30 pm, I should get going or I'll be late. I grabbed my jacket and my phone along with some money. I wasn't in the mood to discuss with MayLi why I'm going out on a date, she would ask loads of questions about me and Tyler, I'm not up for that right now. So I simply sneaked out through the front door when none was watching. I got on my bike and left.


I looked over at Lucas, we had just finished watching the movie, I don't really know what it was about though. I couldn't pay attention, I was busy thinking about the boy who truly owns my heart. No, owned.

He held out his hand for me to take which I hesitantly did, he smiled at me, " did you like the movie? "

I smiled back at him and nodded, " yeah, it was fun. "

He looked confused, " fun? The main character died in the end. "

I gulped and tried to think of an excuse but he was quicker to ask a question, " Jody are you sure you're okay? You're here but your mind is somewhere else, you can talk to me you know. "

I felt kind of guilty but nodded slowly, " I'm fine. I just miss a friend of mine, that's all honestly. I'm sorry I'll pay more attention to what's happening. "

Lucas leaned over and kissed my cheek softly, " don't be sorry, I can follow you back home and we can talk more another day instead. Sounds good? "

I smiled and quietly thanked him.


I got dressed into my pajamas after I got out from the shower, the date wasn't that bad after all. On the way back home we talked some more, he's a really sweet guy.

I went to my room and laid down in bed. I looked up at the pictures of me and Tyler in the ceiling. He wants me to be happy, and I think Lucas could make me happy. He cares about me, but then again so does Tyler. Well, he did. I sighed and closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep.


I opened my eyes and grabbed my phone from the nightstand. Who would be texting me this late? I unlocked the screen and my heart skipped a beat. Tyler. I quickly tapped at his message so I could read it.

Tyler aka idiot💛

Hey Jodes, I miss you.

Only five words, but they made me smile bigger than I've done for weeks. He misses me. He called me Jodes. He hasn't completely forgotten about me. I wrote a quick reply.


Hey Ty, I miss you too! We need to facetime soon😃

I nodded before I sent it. Only a few seconds later I heard another ding. I immediately checked the message.


Hey, thanks for tonight, I had fun. You're a special girl Jody, I really like hanging out with you. Night😚

I sighed and put my phone down, I feel like I'm using him. But I don't, I do think he's a sweet guy. Tyler is sweeter though, but he's in St Lucia, I can't wait for years for him to come back.


I picked up my phone again and read the text.

Tyler aka idiot

Absolutely! I'll call you tomorrow, can't wait to hear your voice again. Night sweet dreams💙🌙

I smiled at the screen and put my phone back down on the nightstand and closed my eyes again.

Tomorrow will be a good day, I can feel it.


That's chapter three done! I'm gonna add a song to every chapter, you don't have to listen to them if you don't want to but it really helps to get in the mood. See you in the next chapter!

I still need you - JylerWhere stories live. Discover now