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song: Safe inside by James Arthur

Jody's pov.

I immediately regretted it. Why did I kiss him? I haven't known him for long, what the hell was I thinking? Well, I know exactly what I was thinking. We're sitting on that slide. The slide where Tyler kissed my cheek when we were little, it reminded me of how much I miss him and I thought if I kissed Lucas maybe those thoughts would go away. They didn't.

I sighed and looked down, Lucas noticed and held my hand.

" Hey what's wrong? Am I a bad kisser? " Yes, you are.

I shook my head, " no of course not. I just don't want us to rush things, I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that. "

He nodded, " I understand, we can take it slow and forget what just happened. "

I smiled and quietly thanked him. If I didn't have feelings for Tyler I could see myself with Lucas in the future, he's a good guy.

I heard footsteps appearing behind me so I turned around. My jaw dropped. Tyler.

I shakily stood up, " Tyler...you're back. " It was more a statement than a question.

He nodded, " erm yeah. Surprise. "

I noticed the red roses and chocolate in his hands and he had a disappointed look on his face.

Oh no, he saw.

I gulped and turned to Lucas, " I'll text you later okay? "

He got the message and nodded, " okay. " He kissed my cheek and left.

I turned back to Tyler, " I can explain I-" he didn't let me finish my sentence.

" I didn't think you actually would get a new boyfriend, but that's not why I'm upset. You didn't even tell me about it. You kept it from me and you're kissing him on our slide! "

I looked down, " I didn't think I had to tell you as you never told me about your new girlfriend. "

He shook his head and sat down next to me, " that's because I don't have a new girlfriend Jody. You should know by now you're the only one for me. "

I stayed quiet. He doesn't have a girlfriend. Does that mean he still likes me?

He slowly handed me the roses and chocolate, " this is kind of awkward now but I brought you this, I know you probably think it's cheesy. "

" Thank you. " I didn't know what else to say, my brain is still processing.

He nodded and got up so I did the same, " just for old times sake. " He leaned down and softly kissed my cheek, I could feel my face heat up and turn a light shade of red.

" I'll head back to the dg, see you there. " He walked off, leaving me alone with my thoughts.


I went back home after an hour or so and made sure none saw me when I brought the flowers and chocolate to my room to avoid questions. I wonder if Tyler is back for good, probably not. Nothing here is stopping him from leaving.

Hang on, that's it. Nothing is stopping him from leaving.

I smirked to my reflection in the mirror. I know how to make him stay.

To make sure my plan will work I need to know how long he's staying here, knowing Tyler he probably booked a hotel room but changed his mind when he got here so he'll be staying in the spare room.

I went to the spare room and I was right, the bed was made and his jacket laid on the floor.

" Erm do you need anything? " I jumped at Tyler's voice and turned around.

I scratched my arm awkwardly, " no I just wondered how long you're staying? "

He nodded and sat down on the bed, " well I was thinking a week maybe, so I could spend some time with you but I guess you're busy with your boyfriend. "

I quickly shook my head and sat down next to him, " firstly, he's not my boyfriend, and secondly even if he was I would cancel my plans to hang out with you while you're visiting. "

Tyler looked at me and smiled, " okay then, we could go out for pizza tomorrow? "

I returned the smile and nodded, " sure! I have homework to do and I need to take my medicine but I'll see you in the morning? "

He gave me a worried look, " medicine? Is something wrong? Are you okay? "

It's already working.

I covered his mouth with my hand, " keep it down please none knows. "

He nodded at me to explain, " I erm started feeling lightheaded a few weeks ago so I went to the doctors to get checked and they told me I have an illness or something like that. "

He looked confused, " an illness? What illness exactly? And how can you get better? "

I took a breath, it's really hard to lie to him when he's so sweet and caring.

" It's very uncommon so they don't even have a name for it yet. I might get better but not for a long time, the medicine helps me with my headaches and so I don't get dizzy and faint but I still faint sometimes. "

He sat up straighter and whisper-yelled, " you faint?! Yeah okay, there's no way I'm leaving you when you're like this, I'm staying here with you. "

I tried to hide a smile. It's working.

" You don't have to, but if you think it's what's best then I won't stop you. I would like it if you stay, it would make me feel safer. "

He nodded and held my hand, " of course I'll stay. You know how I feel about people being ill after everything with mum, I take it very seriously. I could never lose you Jodes. "

I gulped. I forgot about how serious this is to him, if he would find out that I'm making it up he would never forgive me. Two months ago his mum took a turn for the worse, she stayed in bed all day and hardly ate or spoke to anyone not even to Tyler. She was even close to death. Luckily she got better.

I could just keep Tyler here for two weeks or so, then I could tell him I've gotten better, that the doctors found something to make me better for good. But then he'd leave me again. I don't think I can see him leave again. There's only one thing I can do. I have two weeks to show him how much I love him and how much I want him here with me so he will decide to stay.

I looked up and realized we're now laying down with Tyler's arms tightly wrapped around my small body to make me feel better. I smiled and closed my eyes. I have two weeks to make him want to stay.

Two weeks.


That's chapter five! Do you think Jody's plan will work or will it backfire?

I still need you - JylerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant