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Jody's pov

Three days later

It was a simple plan, but it could work. Right now all I could think about was revenge, he hurt me really bad. It was Tyler who once told me to never let anyone hurt me without hurting them back even worse. I promised him that I would get revenge on whoever hurt me, that's a promise I decided to keep.

I'm not going to tell him that I know about him seeing someone else, that's too easy. I know he got jealous when he saw me with Lucas, I can definitely use that. I saw him earlier today and explained the whole situation, I thought he wouldn't care after I dumped him for Tyler but he surprisingly did. He was very nice about it and said that I don't deserve to get treated like that, he'll help me with my revenge. I never really saw Lucas as something else than a friend so I'm happy to have him back and that he doesn't hate me after everything.

The plan is to just keep seeing each other now and then, maybe sometimes upload some photos on our social media together to make Tyler even more jealous. It's not that bad to hang out with him, he's a fun guy. If I didn't know Tyler I could see me getting together with him. I should really stop thinking about Tyler though, we're basically over.

I still can't believe it. Tyler Lewis, my best friend, is cheating on me. Well, I can believe it. She was so beautiful and she probably doesn't have anger issues like me. I get why he would want someone else but it just doesn't make sense. I've literally grown up with him and I never thought he would cheat on anyone, he can't even kill a fly because it makes him feel bad.

I haven't told Luke about any of this, he wouldn't let me get revenge. He's not that kind of guy. He would definitely have a go at Tyler though and kick him out, maybe even punch him.

I sighed and got off my bed and put my shoes on, time to go and hang out with Lucas. We agreed to meet up in the park for some ice cream over text last night. I grabbed my jacket and phone, my screen lightened up letting me know that someone had texted me.

I checked the text and sighed. Tyler. He just texted me to say good morning, like everything is normal. He's been doing it the past two weeks and is still doing it, and I'm still replying or he would know that I'm up to something.

I went to the park where Lucas was waiting with two chocolate ice creams that he had already bought. He held one out for me, I smiled and took it from him.

He sat down on a bench, " so, how are you feeling today? Any better? "

I sat down next to him and shook my head, " nope, my heart is still hurting like hell. "

He nodded and licked his ice cream, " understandable, I mean I was sad for days when you told me the truth about you and Tyler and I haven't even known you for that long. "

I looked down as I felt guilty, " you know I'm sorry about all of that. I never meant to hurt or use you it just happened. "

He smiled at me, " I know Jodes, don't worry about it I'm just happy to be your friend. "

We sat and ate our ice cream and talked for two hours, time really flies when you have a good time. I posted a selfie of us holding our ice creams with the caption he always makes me smile. I can imagine Tyler's face now, I know he's already seen it because he has notifications on when I post.

I got up and hugged Lucas goodbye.

He let go of me after a few seconds, " my place tomorrow night? We can eat some pizza, watch movies and have a sleepover maybe? "

I giggled and nodded, " I'm in. "

That was a decision that I would regret thirty eight hours later.


That's chapter eleven! I know this is a little shorter chapter, I've just gone back to school so I've been pretty busy. Anyway, let me know what you think! :)

I still need you - JylerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang