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Jody's pov:

After Tyler found me we just stayed in the treehouse for a while, we didn't say much but enjoyed each other's company. We stayed there for an hour or so then went back to the dg, I thought MayLi and Scott would be furious with me but they were surprisingly calm about it all. I got grounded for a week though but that's fair I guess.

They also said that Tyler couldn't stay here anymore as he doesn't live here, even though we argued with them about it they wouldn't let him stay so he has to stay in the hotel room he booked when he first got here. They can't stop us from seeing each other though, well not after I'm ungrounded.


A week later when I finally wasn't grounded anymore I knocked on the door to his room, only a few seconds later Tyler opened it and smiled at me.

He pulled me in for a hug, " hey Jodes, I missed you. "

I smiled and hugged him back, " we facetimed last night and we texted each other this morning, you can't have missed me that much. "

He let me go and locked the door, " true, but it's not the same as being in the same room as you. I can't hug you over facetime. "

I giggled and nodded, " well to be fair I've missed you too. "

I followed him to the sofa and sat down next to him, " so I spoke with Luke and he's cool with you staying at his place so you don't have to pay for a hotel room. "

He raised his eyebrows, " really? "

I nodded and smiled, " yes really, that's closer to the dg too so we could see each other more often. "

He smiled and held my hand, " okay then. But wouldn't it be a little awkward? I mean he's your brother what if he tries to scare me away? "

I laughed at how nervous he sounds, " calm down you know Luke isn't like that, and you can't say no because he has already fixed the spare room for you so it'll be your room. "

He rolled his eyes playfully, " fine okay I'll move in with him, but only because I'll get to see you more often. "

I started laughing as he pulled me down on his lap and started tickling my sides.

I finally have my best friend back. He's home. I thought to let him leave to live with his mum was the best option, I wanted him to be happy. But the truth is I don't think either of us can be happy without each other. When he left it was like the light in the tunnel disappeared, and now it's back. He's the only one who can make me feel truly happy and safe.


We fell asleep on the sofa after watching a few movies, I woke up before him when it had gotten dark outside. How long did we sleep for? MayLi and Scott will kill me, I was supposed to be back before dinner.

I grabbed my phone to call them but it was out of battery, I figured I could just borrow Tylers. I looked over at him and smiled, how did I get so lucky? He's always been my dream guy, nothing can break us apart.

I carefully took his phone out from his pocket without waking him and unlocked it as I know his password, what I saw next broke my heart.

He had changed his home screen from a picture of us to a picture of him hugging another girl.

There could be a good explanation for this, it could be his friend. Friends don't look that happy while hugging each other though.

I sighed and put his phone down, do I ask him about it? If I do he'll think I'm overreacting or don't trust him but I do. I'm just worried, he could easily find someone better than me. Someone like the girl in the picture. I should ask him about it I guess, he might get angry at me for being jealous but it's better to find out the truth.

Tyler wouldn't hurt me, I hope.


That's chapter eight! I know this chapter is a little shorter than usual, sorry about that.

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