Chapter 11

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Audenzia's POV:

I couldn't believe this, my eyes hadn't left my drink all night except when—

When I looked up at Xander....

"Get off..." I try to say, my words coming out muffled. "Don't worry I will take good care of you" he says, starting to kiss down my neck. I tried to push him off but I could barely move, my limbs were heavy and numb.

He shoved me onto a bed taking off his jacket, and all I could do was watch. Focus. I told myself. I think back to my training, how my father introduced me to different kinds of drugs, but my mind was coming up blank. Think!

I was starting to panic when he got undressed, reminding myself to stay calm over and over again. Thats when I remembered the microphone Xander planted on my necklace, to record and listen in to our conversations. It must have clicked off somehow, I needed to hit the back of it.

My dress was starting to be torn off as Matthew whispered disgusting words into my ear. "Stop please!" I cried out, feeling him on me, praying he didn't get what he was trying to.

It was clear he wasn't going to stop, so I used all of my strength and flung my arms up, somewhat pushing him back. My arms fell across my chest, so I reached and lightly clicked my necklace, praying Xander was listening.

"Looks like somebody doesn't have enough in their system hm?" Matthew spits at me, moving across the room and searching through his bag. I take this as an opportunity, "Xander help" I whisper, barely audibly.

Matthew walks back over a syringe in hand full of something I hope I won't have to endure. "This should do the trick." He says in a sick tone, plunging the needle in my arm. I feel myself go completely paralyzed, but my body still conscious.

"Disgusting." He mutters, staring at my scars with a horrid look.

I am fighting to keep my eyes open, and slowly am losing as my eyelids get heavier and heavier until I finally can't keep myself awake any longer. Sinking into darkness, the last thing I hear is the door bursting open.


I woke up in my bedroom back at the Romani mansion, my head and body throbbing. Rolling over, I see that it is 6 AM.

Memories of last night all come back up to the part where I blacked out. Getting out of the bed, I instantly collapse to the floor at my attempt to walk.

I was still in my dress from last night, hopefully meaning Xander found me before anything happened.

I finally gained more control of my legs, making my way to my feet before walking over to the bathroom.

I took a quick shower then changes into sweatpants and one of Gray's hoodies I had stolen a while ago. Walking back into my room, I spot Xander sitting in one of the chairs. "You shouldn't be up" he says, rising from the chair and walking over to me.

"I'm fine." I say, crossing my arms.

"Does my—

I start to ask a question but am cut off, "Nobody knows anything." He responds, already knowing that was what I was going to ask. "If they did it's guaranteed your father would pull out of our deal."

"Did you get Matthew?" I sighed, my head still throbbing.

"No thanks to you, yes I did."

"Excuse you?" I say in a hushed tone, remembering everyone else is probably asleep. "You would think someone as trained as you would know better than to get drugged,"

"Yeah well I wouldn't have if you weren't shooting daggers at me the whole night." I hissed at him.

He rolls his eyes, pulling a plastic container filled with pills out. "Take these, it will help with your headache." He holds them out to me, and I reluctantly take the bottle from him.

"Get some rest, we can tell everyone what we discovered about Matthew this afternoon."

"But you said—

"We will just leave out some details." He finishes before turning and leaving me in the room. I know I'm not going to be able to fall back asleep, so I do what I always do when I am stressed— work out.

I slip into leggings and a sports bra then tie my hair back into a high ponytail. I probably should have waited to shower but I wanted to try and wash Matthew's touch off of me.

Making my way down to the gym, I passed Xander's room. The light was shining from under the door, and I could hear him rummaging around in there, meaning he probably couldn't sleep either.

I worked out until the sun came up around 7:30 ish, my body was exhausted. I shouldn't have been pushing myself like that after what happened last night, but I couldn't handle just sitting in my bed trapped with my thoughts. On my way to my room, I turned a sharp corner and hit right into somebody, causing us both to fall to the floor.

"Watch it." He snapped, making me realize it was Xander. I was on top of him, my legs on either side of his hips, and my hands on his chest. I rolled my eyes at him and was about to get up when I felt something.  A smirk grew on my face realizing what it was, and I could have sworn I saw Xander Romano blush.

"Seems like someone doesn't mind" I laugh, climbing off of him and back to my feet. His embarrassed state from seconds ago was gone, and he was now annoyed. "Guess I'll call a whore to fix it then." He says, walking away and leaving me standing there, disgusted at his words.

Xander's POV:

Don't get me wrong, I hate the girl. But something about her straddling my waist while being hot and sweaty just turned me on. I'm a guy what can I say.

I'm assuming she went to the gym because of her workout clothes and sweatiness, indicating she also couldn't go back to sleep.

I am a little shocked something like that didn't shake her up seemingly at all. I've known women who freak out for much less. Should it worry me that this is so casual for her?

No because you don't care about her.

Then why do you find her so attractive?

I found myself imagining her lips around my dick......that's when I snapped.

I pulled out my phone and dialed one of my best whores, then impatiently waited for her arrival.

Thank you for reading!

Sorry this chapter was a little short!

Love u guys so much!

1126 words

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