A night alone in the maze (w/ Thomas and Minho)

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I run along with the other gladers to the maze walls. I'm nervous, Newt said the grievers come out at night. I saw one from far away, I'm completely sure I don't want to see one up close. Newt noticed and ran up beside me. He grabbed my hands and laced his fingers through mine.
"It's okay, Em. Ill keep you safe." He said, smiling at me. The chaos around us seemed to stop, and it was only us in that moment.
But sadly, our moment only lasted about 30 seconds. Newt pulled me along, running quickly. We reached the walls within seconds. The doors were slowly closing. Thomas came running up.
"Where's Minho?" Alby asked. He shook his head. (I forgot when I wrote this that alby went with them. Oh well.)
"EmeryIneedyourhelp," Thomas said in one breath. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the closing maze walls.
Newt reached for me, but Thomas was pulling me along quickly. As soon as he pulled me past the doors, they closed.
An Asian boy ran up to Thomas soon after we walked a little bit.
"Why'd you bring the greenie in here, Shank?!?" He asked, out of breath.
"She was the first one I saw. I wasn't about to bring Newt in here, with his limp."
"What's her name even?" The boy asked, rolling his eyes. He wasn't there when I raised up from the box. Maybe he was out here.
"This is Emery. Emery, this is Minho. (Pronounced Meen-Ho, in case you guys didn't know). He shrugged.
"Hey. Anyways, I could have survived out here by myself. I've done it before I can do it again."
"I was with you the first time, shank." Thomas said, shoving Minho's shoulder. "Anyways," Minho said jokingly. "Try to survive and avoid grievers. Work together and don't split up." I nodded. I was all for avoiding grievers.
Thomas nodded also.
The rest of the night was kind of a blur. We climbed walls, ran from grievers, slept off and on in different shifts. When it was my turn to wake up and watch for Grievers, I mostly just sat as close to Thomas and Minho as possible and tried not to completely freak out. I was worried first off about the Grievers. I didn't know what happened if they stung you, and I didn't want to. I was scared enough of them already.
Then I was worried about Newt. I really liked him. Did he like me too? Was he worrying about me in here? He did hold my hand as I was running up to the maze. He did reach for me as Thomas decided to risk both our lives. But he could have been just being friendly.
I was so lost in thought, I didn't realize that the sun was rising. I tried to wake up Thomas and Minho. "The sun is rising." I told Thomas when I could finally get him up. Apparently waking up Minho is impossible. Thomas kicked him playfully. "Wake up shank!" He screamed, 2 inches away from his face.
"Shush! There could still be Grievers out here!" Minho whisper-yelled, suddenly awake.
We hiked back to the Glade. We ran a long way yesterday. I guess you don't think about distance while you are running from spiked monsters.
Suddenly, there was a stabbing sensation in my side. I screamed and fell to the ground.
"Dude how did we miss that Griever?" Minho yelled, bending down to pick me up. I lost the ability to walk apparently. I also couldn't think straight. Everything just slowly seemed to fade away into nothingness. Thomas and Minho were panicking.
"We need to get her grief serum as soon as those doors open." Thomas said, trying to calm down. Minho agreed, still panicked. I was hardly aware of the doors opening when the sun finally claimed its space in the sky.

Author's note:
I'm so sorry about the lack of updates! I need suggestions. Please comment on what you would like to see me add to the story!
-more romance
-faster moving story
-or even... A love triangle?
Comment any other thoughts also! Thank you for being so patient with this story! I'm going to try to update at least once a week if not twice. I love you all! Stay amazing and beautiful!

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