Meeting him

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I rise up from the ground, but In inside a box. I don't know where I am or where I'm going, or even my age. All I know is my name. Emery. But what's my last name? A thousand more questions race through my head as I reached my destination, but I didn't have time to think. The doors to the box opened, and I was surrounded by boys.
"It's a girl!" I heard a couple people exclaim. A hand reached out to help me up, and I accepted it. But it wasn't until I was standing that I saw who the hand belonged to. He was tall, and he had shaggy blonde hair. He smiled at me and shook my hand.
"Name's Newt. " he said with a slight British accent. " Welcome to the Glade. " He had an amazing smile. And you could easily get lost in his dark brown eyes.
"Um... Emery." I responded, blushing. I knew he could tell, but I hoped he didn't. He smiled at me again. Suddenly, a shorter boy with dark skin pushed past him.
"The new Greenie's a girl. That's a first," he said, looking me up and down. "Alby" He turned to leave, but stopped to talk to someone a little ways away.
"Excuse Alby," Newt said, his eyes apologetic "He's not the friendliest person here." Who is then? " I'll give you the official tour tomorrow morning, and I'll have Tommy get you a place to sleep for tonight. Any questions?"
"Yeah. Why am I here, and why can't I remember anything?"
A sad look crossed Newt's face. " If I knew, I would tell you Emery. But I don't. And no-one else does either." Then I was introduced to Thomas, who Newt called Tommy, and he gave me a bed in the homestead. I crawled into the bed. It was barely sunset, but I was tired. I was thinking about Newt, and then I fell into a deep sleep.

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