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Authors note:
I have a few things to share with you guys. First of all, thank you for being patient with this story and me in general. I'm sorry for not updating. On the bright side, I get out of school on Thursday and then I'm on summer vacation! I have a couple things to do in June, but hopefully I'll get to update more!
And now about the story.
First off, I would like to thank random_lover_anime for this idea. It's not any of the ideas we came up with in history class, it's a simple idea she gave me during an assembly yesterday. Second, there are some pretty big spoilers in this chapter. I wouldn't suggest reading this unless you've read to AT LEAST to page 250 in the death cure. And third, I'm sorry, but Minho will not be referencing in this chapter. This chapter is going to be kind of serious and somewhat sad. Wow this is a really long authors note so I'm going to go ahead with the story now.

Emery's POV:
Minho and Thomas wake me up at practically the crack of dawn. I forgot that today was the day I was supposed to become a runner.
"Wake up, shank." Minho said, shaking my shoulders. "Get ready to come running." He added. I nod sleepily, sitting up.
"Okay. You can stop shaking me now. " I reply. They leave, and I get dressed and eat a small breakfast before I find them waiting for me outside the homestead. They lead me to a little shack in the middle of the woods.
"This is the map room." Thomas starts, before Minho takes over the speech.
"Everyday, we run. We try to map out the maze as accurately as possible. It's not as easy as it seems. Every night, the maze changes, and a new sector opens up." He tries to explain the process as clearly as he can, but it still makes no sense.
"Alright, she gets it." Thomas says impatiently. "Can we just go already?" He asks. Minho rolls his eyes, but then he nods.
We run over to the maze walls, and I'm excited and nervous. I don't know what to expect out there, but I hope it's less dangerous then it is at night. I stop to tie my shoes before we go in, and I see a shadow in front of me. Newt.
"Hello princess," Newt says, his face breaking out into a smile. He's been calling me that recently, and I think it's sweet.
"Hi sweetie," I answer. "What's up?" I ask. He continues to smile, but he doesn't look happy anymore. He looks kind of... sad? Worried? I can't tell. "Just be careful out there. I don't want you getting hurt. " He shifts his eyes downward, as if he's looking at his leg.
"I'll be fine. I'll be with Minho and Thomas the whole time." I say. He relaxes when I say that, and he pecks my cheek before saying goodbye and going back to work.
We ran for maybe an hour, before an alarm started sounding from inside the Glade.
"Why is the shuck newbie alarm sounding?" Minho yells, so he can be heard over the alarm.
"We might as well run back." Thomas responded. Minho agreed, and they turned around. I had no choice but to follow.
We ran up to the box, and Newt and Gally were opening it. Newt jumped down, and there was an obvious confused silence.
"What's down there Newt?" Minho asked, walking up to him.
"It's... another girl. Emery's not the only one anymore." He answered, scanning the crowd for me. He found me, and he gave me a small smile. "I think she's dead."
As if on cue, she sat up suddenly. With no emotion, she said in a flat voice, "Everything's going to change." People started to panic, but Minho pointed out a note in her hand.
Newt grabbed the note and read it. "She's the last one. Ever." Everybody was confused and somewhat scared, and someone sent over Clint and Jeff.
"Um... I guess we can take her back to the homestead, but I don't know what else we can do." Jeff said. Him and Clint picked her up, she was taller than me (like everyone else) but she didn't look very heavy, and they took her to an empty room in the homestead.
Nobody went back to work that day, except Frypan. He cooked dinner for us, and it was better then usual. We found out that the girl wasn't dead, she was just in a coma.
" I don't know when she's going to wake up." Clint said. "But I don't think it's going to be anytime soon."
That night, Newt came up to my room with me. "How did you like being a runner?" He asked, climbing up the stairs next to me. I noticed for the first time he had a limp. I don't know how I didn't notice it before. It was pretty pronounced.
I started talking excitedly. Newt listened patiently until I finished. "Well... I'm glad you liked it." He said quietly.
I looked at him for a minute, confused. "Can I ask you a question?" I asked. I needed answers.
"Of course you can Princess. You can ask me anything." He responded.
"Why do you have a limp?" I ask.
He sighed, and paused a long time before answering. "It's a long story." He whispered, all signs of happiness gone from his face.
I sat on the edge of my bed, prompting him to tell me. "It's okay." I answer. We have time. He sat down next to me, and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Are you sure you want to hear this story?" He asks, locking his brown eyes with my hazel eyes. I nod, and he sighs. "Okay."
"I used to be a runner." He began. "So did Alby. I hated it. Not just running. I hated the maze, the Glade, life in general. I knew we never had a chance of getting out of here. So one day, as we were running, I decided I didn't want to do it anymore. The sun was setting; the doors were going to close soon. I climbed halfway up the maze walls and jumped down, trying to kill myself. Alby found me and dragged me back to the Glade right before the doors closed. I survived, obviously, but I broke my leg pretty bad. I never fully recovered, and now I have a limp." He finished, and he had tears in his eyes. He looked away. "I haven't really been happy since, until you came. You make me happy Em."
"I'm sorry Newt." I answer, and I'm crying. I never want Newt unhappy.
"It wasn't your fault. Don't cry princess." He says. He gently wipes tears away from my eyes. He stares at me, smiling, for a long time. "I love you Em."
Without even hesitating, I answer back. "I love you too Newt.
I lay down then, because it was a busy day, and Newt lays down with me. Right before I fall asleep, he turns me over and kisses me. I smile like an idiot before turning back around and falling asleep

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