The next morning.

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Newt's POV:
I go to wake up Emery before sunrise. This is always the worst part of having to give tours. I hate seeing people tremble with fear when they see the Grievers for the first time. That's why I usually let Alby give the tours. But I wanted to spend time with Emery. There was... Something special about her. I'm not sure what it was.

Emery's POV:
I wake up to someone gently shaking my arm. I open my eyes. It's Newt, the boy I met yesterday.
" Em. Come on. The tour starts now. " Newt whispered, even though I have a room to myself. Being the only girl has its benefits. But why did he call me Em? I don't think anyone's done that before. Newt led me through the homestead and outside. I tripped over something, and it turned out to be a boy. Thomas told me that most people sleep outside after the first night.
" Newt. I can't see anything. It's too dark." I said quietly, trying not to wake up the other boys that were sleeping.
"Sorry." He gave me his hand to hold, and I took it. He led me around the bodies on the ground. I still couldn't see where we were going, but I was fine. "Oh, and you don't need to be quiet. These guys can basically sleep through anything." he laughed. His laugh was perfect. We walked for about two minutes before Newt stopped in front of a wall.
"What are we-" Newt shushed me. He peered through a small crack in the wall for a couple seconds. Then he leaned back.

Newt's POV (again): I step back to let Emery see the Griever I just saw.
"Emery, look through the hole." I told her. " I'm sorry." I said under my breath so she couldn't hear me. She looked cautious at first, but then looked. She gasped in fear. She turned around with tears in her eyes. I hated showing anyone Grievers. But with Emery, it was somehow worse.
"What was that Newt?" She asked me, her voice thick with tears. She dried them, but she was shaking. I hesitated for a minute, then wrapped my arms around her.
"Those were the Grievers. They live in the maze, but only come out at night. That's why no-one is allowed out there at night. I'm sorry I had to show you them. But I had to."
She nodded. The sun was coming out. "Go have some breakfast and then I'll give you the tour. With no Grievers." She laughed. Her laugh was a hundred times better than her tears.

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