The Tour

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I walk back to the homestead, where everyone is eating. I grabbed some food and sat at one of the empty tables. I picked at my food, not really hungry. I was alone for a couple minutes, but then Thomas and some other boy walked by.
" You okay Emery?" Thomas asked, him and his friend sitting down. I shrugged. "Did Newt show you the Grievers this morning?"
"Yeah." I told him.
"I'm sorry. That's never fun." I agreed with him and he laughed. We laughed and joked until I had finished eating.
"I'm gonna go find Newt." I said, standing up.
"Have fun." Thomas responded absentmindedly. His focus had turned to something else.
I found Newt standing with his arms crossed, leaning against the homestead wall. He was staring off in the distance, at nothing in particular. He noticed me and his smile lit up. He was cute. Very cute.
"Emery!" He exclaimed when he saw me. "Ready for the tour?" He had to squint to see me because of the sun behind me, which made him even cuter.
"I guess." I answered him. We started walking, and he told me about the different types of jobs that I could do, and then we got to the walls.
"Emery, come closer," Newt gestured. I stood back, still seeing the Griever in my mind. He looked confused for a minute, but then realized. "Don't worry Em. Like I said, the Grievers only come out at night." There was that nickname again. It was different, but I liked it.
" This is the maze. Every day we send in runners. The doors close at sunset. All runners are supposed to be back by then. If they're not, they're stuck in the Maze overnight. So never go into the maze. Only runners are allowed into the maze."
"Has anyone ever survived a night in the maze?" I asked in awe.
" Yeah. A couple people a little bit ago. But those were the first people." He looked at me seriously. "I'm serious Emery. Don't go into the maze. Understand?" I nodded. "Good." He smiled. "What kind of job do you think you'd like to try first?"
I thought about it for a minute, then answered. "I want to care for the animals."
He smiled. "Alright. Just don't get too attached." I laughed, and his smile grew even brighter.

Newt's POV: I went to the map room after Emery went back to the homestead for lunch. I needed some time to think. I loved listening to Emery laugh. Her laugh was special. Just like everything else about her. I couldn't get her out of my head. I loved thinking about her.

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