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I wake up with a start, Newt still holding on to my waist. His arms are loose, but still there, holding me. He's not awake yet, but somehow I'm still comforted. I hear the Grievers shrieking outside the homestead, getting louder every time they make noise. They scare me. My cheeks are soaked with tears, but I try not to wake Newt. It works for a little bit, but eventually I feel his at,s tighten around me. I can tell he's still half asleep
      "It's okay princess," he says, his voice thick with sleep. I lay my head on his shoulder, waiting for him to speak again. "Are you okay?" He asks, waiting for me to stop crying.
       "The Grievers scare me. I don't want them to hurt anyone." I say, and the crack in my voice is evidence I've been crying. He lets go of me then, and I sit beside him. He looks at me sitting on the bed, my knees pulled up to my chest and my tearstained face. He leans forward, pulling my legs down and gently wiping the tears away from my cheeks. He smiles softly, making me giggle. He moves closer to me, kneeling on the bed instead of sitting. We sit in silence, just facing each other, until a griever shrieks again. I pull my knees back up to my chest and bury my face, hiding it in case I cry again. I don't like to cry in front of anyone, not even Newt.
    "Don't cry Em. I've got you." He tells me quietly, pulling me towards him. His hugs are warm and I fit perfectly in his arms, my head laying on his chest. "I won't let any of those bloody Grievers hurt you." He says. Yeah, the Grievers are scary, but not as much if I'm in Newt's arms. We stay that way for a couple minutes, until there's a knock at the door. Minho comes in, Thomas following him like a dog tied to his ankle. That happens quite a lot, actually.
    "There are Grievers downstairs; bursting through doors and trying to get in. What should we do?" Minho asks. Even with his confident demeanor, he's obviously still scared. Everyone is. Newt thinks for a second, let's go of me, and stands up.
     "I'm not usually the one in charge. But get everyone upstairs, block the door and the stairs. That way, even if they do get in, they'll be downstairs." Newt responds, sounding sure even if he isn't. They leave, and he takes a deep breath. Even Newt is scared...
     "It's okay princess. I said I won't let the Grievers hurt you," Newt says to me, holding both of my hands. My face breaks into a smile, making him smile as well. I follow him into the main room. He practically hasn't let go of me since last night, and I love it.
       We go outside, and were immediately confronted by a mob of people coming up the stairs, flooding the main room. The top floor of the homestead is significantly smaller than the first floor. We won't be able to all fit, and there's only two side bedrooms. One for Teresa, and one for me and Newt.
       "Alright!" I hear Gally yell, taking charge of the situation as usual. "There's a couple rooms you can stay in, and the main room. Don't go downstairs. Stay up here for the night." He adds, and it's a mad dash to the two rooms. There are only a couple people in our room when Newt pulls me in, and those people just so happen to be Minho, Thomas, and Chuck. They all sit cross-legged on the floor, looking like a group of little kids. Newt sighs and sits down on the bed. I sit down with him, feeling awkward that they're all watching us.
    "OHHH!" Minho says, an extremely exaggerated word. "Guys! I think they want to be ALONE!" He says. I roll my eyes, but the three guys leave. I giggle quietly, making newt smile. I hear a griever downstairs; I know it's downstairs because it sounds so close. I flinch, and Newt pulls me towards him again. He puts his hands on my hips, pulling me into his lap. I am honestly so in love. I lay my head on his chest and he puts his chin on my head. I wait for Minho or Thomas to burst into the room (they're always ruining the moment) but nothing happens. I take a deep breath, realizing exactly where I am.
    I'm not just near Newt, I'm IN his lap. His hands are on my hips and his chin is on top of my head. The more I think about it, the funnier it seems to me. The giggles set in, and I hear Newt laughing with me quietly.
     "What's so funny princess?" He asks, and I cover my face with my hands. I can't stop giggling. I shift myself to face him, and he takes my hands away from my face. His smile grows bigger than I've ever seen it, stretching widely across his face. He stares at me for a couple seconds before placing his lips on mine. I melt into it, leaning against his chest. We sit like that for a couple minutes, just kissing and cuddling. I still hear the Grievers, but they're just not scary anymore. I'm vaguely aware of the door opening, but I don't think anything of it until I hear someone gasp really loudly.
    "OH GOSH! Thomas, what did we walk into?!? My poor, innocent eyes!" Minho screams, startling me so much I fall over. I hear Chuck giggling, but it's quickly overshadowed by Newt laughing. My face grows as red as a tomato, which just makes him laugh even harder. I can't help but wondering about what everyone else thinks we're doing, what with Minho's screaming about how we've "corrupted him."
   "Are you okay Em?" Newt asks, still laughing. I'm laying on the bed, I fell off of him when Minho yelled, and I use him to pull myself back up. He's really cute when he smiles.
    I don't think I've ever seen Newt this happy. He keeps laughing, more at me falling off of him than anything else, and his smile is genuine. Everyone else in the room seems shocked by his laughter too. Minho stops screaming after a few seconds, and it occurs to me that he came in for a reason.
    "What did you even come in here for?" I ask him, and he shrugs. Newt laughs again and pulls me back onto his lap as Minho starts screaming yet again.
     "I don't even remember anymore! You two are sick!" Minho yells, sending me into a fit of giggles. He goes back to wherever he came from, taking Thomas, and probably Chuck, with him. He makes a big deal of "giving us privacy" before shutting the door. I don't want to know what the other people think we're doing.
    "I'm sorry about him Em," Newt says, but he doesn't sound that sorry because he won't. stop. laughing. I lean in to kiss him, and he wraps his arms around my stomach and back.
     "I love you princess," he whispers in between kisses. I smile for a second before responding.
      "I love you too Newt," I say back, making him grin. He pulls me back into another kiss, making me fall more and more in love with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2016 ⏰

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