I Need Your Love

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Mike's p.o.v

"Tony.." I start. "I-I like you too." I say and he looks up surprised. "R-really?" He stutters and I nod. "Really, Tony? I told you that already." Vic says, sounding irritated. I open my mouth to say something but Tony beat me it. "Yeah, I know. But I didn't believe you. I thought you were teasing like you always do." Tony states sheepishly, looking down at his hands. Vic just sighs exasperatedly and shakes his head. "Okay, whatever." He mumbles.

I make sure that everyone is done rambling or whatever before I finally speak. "Wait, you told him?" I ask Vic, with clenched teeth and anger seeping through my voice. Vic looks kind of scared considering I haven't been this mad since we were younger, but that doesn't stop me from fuming when he starts to stutter. "I-i, um, I-i t-told him. I'm s-sorry, I sh-shouldn't h-" "That's right, you shouldn't have! You're my brother for crying out loud! PLUS you've only known him for about 4 months!" I yell, I am beyond pissed at this point. "Mike, I'm sorry!" Vic yells back with watery eyes, but I don't care. "You should be!" I yell and turn to face Tony. "I'm sorry, but I can't be with someone who.. who." I say trying to find the right words."Who already knew and didn't say anything.. ugh never mind." I say walking out, leaving Tony there with a sad look. Leaving him.. forever.

Tony's p.o.v

He walked out, leaving me forever. One month ago exactly at the hospital and hasn't talked to me since. I hangout with Vic and Jaime but it's not the same without him. I ask Vic constantly about him and from what he's told me, Mike hasn't been to school and has locked himself in his room only coming out to eat. And after he does he goes right back to his room. He also won't talk to Jaime, let alone Vic, his own brother. I moved in with my uncle 3 weeks ago so I go to a completely different school.

I feel my phone vibrate beneath me and I get it out looking at the all too bright, for my liking, screen. It's Vic, as usual.

  Monkey: Hey

Me: Hai

  As I wait for him to text back I do something stupid. I go back to all the conversations I ever had with Mike. Yea I got his number. I find his name and tap on it.

  October 29, 2014

  My Gay Prince: Hey!

  Me: Haii!

  My Gay Prince: How are you today? Excited? Halloween is in 2 days!

  I remember thinking of how much of a child he would've sounded like if he asked me in person. I laugh at the memory and continue reading.

  Me: Great! :3 Yes, of course! what are you gonna be? I'm thinking about being a ninja turtle. xD

  My Gay Prince: Haha, that would be cool. Hmm, I'm thinking about being... actually I don't know. What do you think?

  I also remember thinking about how he should be my ninja turtle boyfriend all the years to come. I give myself a sad smile and go back to reading.

  Me: Hmm, you should be a ninja turtle too! And Vic.. and Jaime!

  My Gay Prince: Yeaaa! I'll get Vic on it and you get Jaime on it.

  Me: Okay, sounds like a plan.

  My Gay Prince: Yup, hey tone-

  My phone vibrated, signaling Vic finally texted back, catching me off guard in the process, making me drop it on my bed (thank god). I pick it back up and tap on Vic's message.

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