I Need To Talk To You

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Jaime's p.o.v

  After I left Tone yesterday I rushed to my house, and that's where I am now. I'm currently sitting on my bed, dreading the talk I'm supposed to have with Vic later on. Dreading why? Because I don't know what's going to become of it. What's Vic going to say to me? Will I like what he has to say? The biggest question lurked in the back of my head, slowly making its way to the front. Will we still be friends? I don't like the thought of not having Vic as my friend. I hear a soft knock on my door and tell it to come in. "Mijo, are you okay?" My mom asks me, her face completely changing with her voice.

  "Not really." I say and she walks over to my bed, sitting beside me. "What's wrong?" She asks looking at me.

  "Uh, if I told you something totally creepy and weird, would you freak out?" I ask looking her in the eyes.

  "Oh come one, I have you for a son." She jokes slightly pushing my shoulder. "Haha, yeah. SO I'm guessing you're okay with it?" I ask anxiously.

  "Yes, I'm okay with it." She says sighing. "Now continue." She urges. So I take a deep breath and start.

  "Uh, well you know I have a girlfriend of course and I brought her over to Vic and Mike's house. You know, so they can meet her." I look up and she nods, telling me to continue. "Well Mike opened the door and I'm guessing Vic was asleep because he didn't come down right away. Well afterwards Tony came downstairs and kissed Mike.." I trail off and look at her again. Her expression is the same, it didn't change at all, which is good. "And she flipped out because I failed to mention that they were gay-" I get cut off with a gasp from my mom.

"Sorry, continue." She says and I nod. "Well then Vic came downstairs looking really pissed off. and yelled at her. He said and I quote "Shut the fuck up, I'm trying to sleep! And if you don't like gays then get the fuck out!!" I yell and look at my mom, she looks amused. "Vic is an interesting little man." She chuckles and I smile. "Anyway, after that Mike told me that I should leave with my girlfriend or watch what happens, I chose to beg them to forgive her though. But Vic walked away saying whatever and Tony followed behind him. I heard a door being slammed and pounding plus yelling from Tony and Mike. I ran upstairs with her and by the time I got there, Vic was in his brothers lap, with tears streaming down his face... he.. he..."

I finally crack and let the tears roll. "Aww, mijo, it's okay." My mom says soothingly pulling me into a tight hug. "He c-cut, mama." I say sobbing into her chest. "Shhh." She hushes while continuing to sooth me. After my sobs die down I continue the story, "Angie left, and I was in front of Vic.. He had a burn in his throat, mom." I say staring straight ahead remembering what it read. "What did it say, honey?" She pushes and I continue staring. "Jaime...." I trail off and look anywhere but at my mom.

  She doesn't say anything at first but that doesn't cause me to look at her, what she says does. "Mijo, this sounds like he loves you." She says and I turn to look at her. She has a sad smile upon her face. "W-what?" I ask stuttering. "Jaime, Vic is in love with you." She says looking at me. My eyes widen and suddenly realize she's right.

  She's right.. The look on his face after I came back and told them I had a girlfriend.. The clingyness when I said I had to go.. The unwillingness to let go when I hugged him.. Like he was going to lose me.. the hurt that flashed across his face after asking me why I didn't tell him...

  I stop thinking and get up. "Ma, I'm going to talk to him." I say walking over to my desk in the corner to get my hoodie. "Okay. Don't be harsh." She warns before walking out. I follow her and walk down the stairs. "I won't." I promise and walk out the front door.

  What am I supposed to say? I'm not gay.... Vic's my best friend though.. I don't want to lose him either.. And through all of this I realize I love Vic too. I reach his house before I realize it and am standing on the porch in front of the door. I contemplate about knocking before growing a pair and knocking. Footsteps are heard then the door swings open. Vic is there with a tear stained face, no shirt, and sweatpants.

  "J-jaime." He stutters saying my name.

  "Hey." I say with a small smile. "Uh, I came to talk."

  He looks confused and then his face comes to realization and looks terrified. "Uh, y-yeah." He says, stepping aside letting me in.

  I look around. For what reason, I don't know. I've been in this house a million times, I know it more than the back of my hand. He slowly closes the door and stands by it looking down at his sock covered feet. I feel myself start to walk towards him and once I'm in front of him his head snaps up. His eyes wide and breathing hitched. My face is close enough to his that he can feel my breath on his face.

  "Just.. let me try something..." I say and slowly bring my face closer to his and press my lips onto his. It feels magical. Cliche I know but that's the best way to describe it. I step back and look at him. His cheeks are a reddish color, and he hasn't caught up with his breathing.

  Mike's p.o.v

  I saw it, I finally fucking saw it. I saw Jaime kiss Vic. I have to admit, I'm fangirling right now. Wow, I sound like a school girl. I was in the kitchen when I heard the front door open. I looked into the living room to see Jaime standing in the doorway staring at Vic. "J-jaime." Vic stuttered. "Hey, uh, I came to talk." Jaime said with a small smile. Vic looked confused and then looked scared. "Uh, y-yeah." He stuttered again and lets him in. Jaime looked around, wow that boy is weird. As soon as the door is closed I saw Jaime move closer to Vic and look down at him.

"Just let me try something." Is what was heard before I saw Jaime enclose the space between him and my brother. Vic looks slightly less scared but now confused. His breathing isn't normal yet and he's blushing.

  I run upstairs to tell Tony what happened. "Tony!" I yell rushing into the room causing him to fall off of the bed in surprise. "Ow." He answers and I chuckle helping him up. "Babe, guess what?!" I ask excitedly, much like a child if you must know.

  "O-M-G, Mike, what?!" He asks mocking my behavior and jumping around like I was. I stop jumping and glare at him but he just laughs. "Anyway, I saw Jaime kiss Vic!" I yell and he stops laughing and looks at me wide-eyed. "Seriously?! No bullshit?!" He asks and I shake my head. "No fucking bullshit!" I yell and he starts squealing. Yeah, Tony is defiantly the girl in this relationship.. but then there's me. "I know right?!" I ask and start smiling like a doofus. "I'm so happy for Vic, I mean I'm happy for Jaime too but really for Vic." He says thoughtfully and I nod. "Yea, I know."

  A/N OMGGGG!! I haven't posted in FOREVER, and I'm so so so so so so so so so so so sorry!! Please don't hate me.. .-. But yeah, I hope you enjoyed secret Fuenciado I added, just for you guys btw. Teehee. Anyway, bye, Lovelies! ♥


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