Apology Accepted

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Vic's p.o.v

  "Ugh, Jaime, I fucked up." I sigh into my best friend's shoulder. "I did too, Vic." He says looking down at his shoes. "We need to find a way to make it up to him." I say, looking up at him. "Yeah, I know." He says. We hear a phone go off and look at each other. "Not mine." We say in unison and stand up. We walk toward my door and open it. When we do, we see a phone lighting up frantically and realize it's Mike's. I quickly, but quietly walk into his room and grab his phone before sneaking back into my room. I answer it and hear a familiar voice.

  "Hello?" I say into it. "Is this Mr. Fuentes?" They ask. "Uh, it's one of them." I say. "Mike Fuentes?" They ask and I sigh. "No, his older brother Vic. Mike's asleep." I say looking over at Jaime who only shrugs. "Oh okay. Well I was told to inform him that Tony is okay and he wants to see him." They say and my face splits into a big grin. "Wait, would he be able to come home?" I ask, still smiling. "Hold on a second." They say and come back quickly. "Yeah, as soon as you guys come and bring him clothes." They say sounding really happy. "Okay, thank you!" I yell before hanging up.

  I look over at Jaime who looks at me wide eyed. "Let's go get Tony!" I yell and he jumps up and run downstairs with me following close behind. "Mama, we're gonna get Tony. Mike is asleep but make sure he's awake by the time we come back. We're gonna try to get Mike to at least talk to us." I say and she nods. "Okay, mijos. Love you!" She calls. "Love you too!" We yell at the same time and look at each other then start laughing.

  We reach the car and start driving to Tony's uncle's house. We pull up out front and Jaime gets out. "Be back." He says before running up to the front door and pounding on it. What Jaime does, doesn't find a way not to entertain someone . I look down at my phone that is now in my hand. 12:34 , it reads. I hear the front door open and look up to see Jaime coming back with a bag of clothes. He opens the door and closes it once inside. He turns to me. "What?" He asks once he sees my face. "Okay, how exactly did you convince him not to get Tony instead? I mean, c'mon, he had to of asked why you were grabbing his clothes." I ask, astonished. He looks at me thoughtfully before answering "I didn't. He didn't even ask." He says looking kind of sad. "Why do you look so sad, Hime-Time?" I ask and he shrugs. "That it doesn't seem like Tony's uncle really cares about him..." He says looking down at his feet. I honestly don't know what to say to make him feel better because it really doesn't seem like he cares for Tony. Luckily Jaime breaks the silence. "Well, let's go." He says smiling again.

  We arrive at the hospital and get out. We walk to the front desk and she points to the back. We continue walking until we reach the elevator and get on. We stop at his floor and look at each other. "Let's go." I say and lead him out of the elevator. I spot his room and we stand outside of it. I take a deep breath before walking in to a very timid looking Tony, until he sees who it is, then breaks out into a smile. "Hey, where's Mike?" He asks, his smile faltering a little. "He's asleep. You know, long couple days." I say and he nods. "Yeah." He says looking down at his hands. "Well, here you go." Jaime says, handing him clothes.

  Tony's p.o.v

  Jaime hands me a bag and I give a questioning look. "You're leaving today!" They yell excitedly when they see my confused face. I smile wider and thank them. I get up and Jaime comes by my side to help me walk over to the bathroom. "I feel like an elderly person." I say and Vic chuckles. "Well, then you'll be the best damn elderly person dressed." Jaime says laughimg, causing me to laugh too. He gets me to the bathroom and I walk in, locking the door. I sit on the closed toilet and look in my bag. A black tank, dark skinnies, black and white Vans, boxers, socks, red snapback, and my glasses. Good job, guys. I tell them mentally.

  I stand up and pull off the revealing hospital dress type thing and pull on my boxers, then socks, then my skinny jeans, then the black tank. I lean down to put my shoes on. I stand back up and pick up my glasses. Then lastly put on my red snapback. I walk back out and they stand. "Ready?" Vic asks. "I've been ready since I got in." I say and he chuckles. I'm being serious, Vic. I didn't want to be alive when I did what I did..  I only nod my head and walk out with them.  We walk out into the waiting room and out of the hospital. Well, me and Jaime do. Someone stops Vic so they could talk to him. We decide to keep walking to the car and get in.

  Once inside, I decide to start some conversation. "So.. What do you think they wanted to talk to him about?" I ask, referring to Vic. Jaime's silent before he speaks. "I honestly don't know." He says, sounding sincere. I only nod and sit back in my seat.

After a long silence, he speaks. "Tone, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you or Mike. I didn't think you'd do that. I'm sorry I assumed, I really shouldn't do that. I just... I don't know. I never want to lose you, Tone, and neither does Vic or Mike. Whenever one of us upset you, please say something to us, or to anyone else. Don't deal with it by yourself." He says and turns away so I don't see him start to cry. "Jaime, please don't cry. I knew I shouldnt of said something about the relationship thing in the first place. I knew you still had a girlfriend but I don't know. I'm sorry. By the way, its okay." I say smiling making him smile too.

  By this time, Vic is finally back. "Hey guys." He says, getting in the front seat. "Hey!" We reply happily. He chuckles and starts the car.

  Jaime's p.o.v

  "Vic, what did they tell you?" I ask my best friend for the tenth time. "Ugh, they said that Tony is on Suicidal Watch!" He whisper yells angerly at me. "That's all you had to say!" I whisper yell back just as angry. "Whatever." He rolls his eyes and walks back into Mike's room. "I have decided to forgive you douchebags!" Mike yells then starts laughing. "Me too!" Tony yells laughing too. Me and Vic join in the laughter so much, we start crying. I'm happy Tony is okay, no one would be if he wasn't...

  A/N So did you like this chapter?? Tony is out, yay! ^o^ But he's on SW.. :'c Yeah, hope you enjoyed this chapter. And I apologize in advance if anyone cries! Haha, bye, Lovelies! ♥


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