Zavuali Sea

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The three boys woke soon after dawn and began gathering their things. Cosmo put the Illyar Silláfur, the stone bowl they had fashioned in the jungle, his destroyed knife, Elias's journal, the Divine Prism, and Dragon's Focus into his satchel, barely managing to strap it shut. He had accumulated a lot after a month of traveling, which became obvious after the bag began to strain his shoulder.

Lysander simply donned his travelpack full of his and Cosmo's clothes from Hiӓen, not needing or having much other than his wand and scimitar. Elias was the same, only a falchion and a journal to his name. When they were prepared, they made their way to Dreyniv's office, where the others were waiting for them.

"Unfortunately, I will not be able to accompany you five to Meer. If the other tribes decide to make an attack, I will need to be here to properly defend from it." Dreyniv spoke as they entered the room. Ometa nodded.

"I understand. It is the exact reason the leader of Meer does not stand before you now." Today, she wore plated armor over her toned and bulky figure. Bracers covered her legs and arms and a chestplate fit her form with minimal niches. Molniya also wore armor, hers being much lighter to allow for increased mobility. It was made of a dark alloy, rimmed in black, which complimented her crimson skin.

"I'm glad you three joined us, we can now talk about the potential route you'll be following for the next couple of days." Dreyniv directed everybody's attention to a map sprawled out on his desk. The three boys squeezed themselves between Ometa and Molniya so that they could see. "My soldiers and I have prepared your provisions, all you need to worry about is the course you will take to get to Meer."

"Why is that so vital to our mission?" Cosmo asked.

"Because of Folcanrog's Domain." Molniya said. She spoke the words with wrath and anguish and Cosmo got the message that they implied something powerful.

"It is the largest mountain in all of Felwyn." Dreyniv explained, pointing to an enormous peak depicted on the map, jutting out of the flat area in the center of the Boiling Pot. "Bigger than Halverwedge itself, Folcanrog's Domain is the den of the elder dragon that has been terrorizing us since the war between the three tribes has begun. The only reason three tribes remain is because the rest of our ancestors were slain by it, leaving us to flee to our respective hiding places. This is why, in order to travel safely to Meer, you must go around the mountain range and follow the length of the Zavuali Sea. There, you will be hidden by the cliffs, out of Folcanrog's sight."

"It's the only way to get there in one piece." Ometa said, with a stony expression.

"Alright then," Cosmo said, crossing his arms over his chest." It's going to take us several days to travel there in this heat. Let's get started. Elias, Lysander and I have spent the morning preparing. We're ready to leave."

"Ready?" Molniya scoffed. "Where is your armor?"

"On my body, of course." Elias chucked, gesturing to the metal suit. Unfortunately, after the battle with the Unverlich Hydra and all the wear and tear it had suffered in their travels, it was looking shoddy. The scrapes the hydra had made had widened over time, leaving the armor gashed in several places.

"Just barely." Molniya smiled, looking at the armor as though it brought her great humor. "I've gathered the armor from Stoykiv along with the rest of the provisions in the main room." Both Molniya and Cosmo saw the protesting look in Elias's eye.

"I know that you value that suit of armor from your father, Elias." Cosmo looked to him with concern. "But you must consider the condition that it is in. Your father made it to protect you on your journey. I think it's done that job effectively." He said, with confidence. Elias smiled.

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