An Unwavering Mind

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"How were you able to do that to me earlier? What did you do to me earlier?" Nearly two hours later, Cosmo now stood in front of the grand pedestal that the Omen hovered above, having moved swiftly through the Blue Palace to avoid detection. The perpetual noonday sun streaming through the hundreds of windows that lined Arlinn's abode made it difficult to achieve much stealth.

Even still, he had managed to venture across the enormous dwelling and climb the impossibly tall spiral staircase to reach the circular room that had previously housed the blue Divine Prism. The Omen merely floated before Cosmo, its deep sapphire light cloaking the room in blue which, under normal circumstances, would have comforted him. However, the seemingly omniscient orb of flowing azure energy unsettled Cosmo. Everytime he looked upon it, he felt as though it was gazing back, directly into his mind.

Despite the overwhelmingly eerie feeling being within the room gave him, Cosmo had berated the entity with nearly every question he could think of, desperate for answers. So far, the Omen had only managed to answer in cryptic riddles and confusing responses that referenced events that had not yet occurred. This did not help the uneasy feeling that still gnawed at Cosmo's stomach.

"What is there not to understand?" The Omen responded, the energy within pulsing as the voice reverberated against the glass panes. Cosmo looked outside for a moment before squinting from the harsh sunlight, his eyes still not yet adjusted from the comfortable darkness of his room. Nearly an instant after he had recoiled, the windows shifted dramatically to a view of the island at night, the dull green light of fireflies illuminating the forest delicately. "Your mind shares a link with my consciousness. I also share a link with the spells integrated within the Blue Palace."


"And as for what I did to you," The voice cut Cosmo off before he could speak the question aloud. "I gave you what Arlinn has entrusted me to keep. Millenia ago, he stored the entirety of the Eldest Language within me. As for what I gave you- what I could give you without killing you- is a very small portion of that. Enough to speak fluently, that is."

"How did you-" Cosmo paused, unsure of what to ask and, for that matter, how exactly to ask it. "Does this mean I can-" Once again, the Omen did not wait for him to finish.

"Yes, you are capable of speaking spells into existence, as long as you are able to command the language correctly. This will still take some time. While the information is within your mind, you have not gone through the process of learning. For the time being, you must rely upon instinct in order to speak it properly." It responded, bored. "I have not given you godhood or immortality, I have merely given you what you require to attain such prized concepts. I implore you to use it with just goals in mind." The entity paused for a moment before continuing. "Will this be the last of your questions?"

"You still haven't answered the first one."

"You wish to know what I truly am?"

"Before I trust you any further."

"A desire to be expected of a halfway intelligent person." The Omen chuckled lightly, shrouding the room in a pulsing blue light before fading to a deep navy. "I am no god, nor am I omniscient. It is possible for me to perish, but both difficult and unlikely. I can preordain certain events in the future and I share a lesser connection with Arlinn's mind that allows him to command me without speech. Even still, the link goes both ways. I am able to obscure some of what I know from him, just as he is capable of doing so to me. This is how I am able to defy his wishes."

"Arlinn mentioned that he created you. Is that true?" He asked, recalling upon Arlinn's first words as he presented the glowing orb in front of him. My greatest curse. Something I wish I had never created.

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