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Several hours had passed since Cosmo and Lysander had been put behind bars. Since then, the sun had passed below the horizon, putting the cell under the deep blue shade of moonlight. The two boys' stomachs growled, having not eaten since the night before. Just as Cosmo began to shut his eyes and attempt to at least get a couple of hours of sleep, a voice came from the other side of the cell.

"So, they think you're shifters too?" The voice was deep and obviously masculine. Both Lysander and Cosmo's heads snapped in the direction of the voice, squinting to see the shadowy side of the cell. After glaring into the shadows, the boys were able to make out the faint silhouette of a figure sitting against the wall. We must have just not seen him on our way in... Cosmo thought to himself. But how could that have been possible? It was broad daylight.

"Hello?" Lysander reached for his blade, which the guards had not bothered to take for an unknown reason. "Who's there?" He got up and pointed his sword into the shadows.

"Woah, there." The figure stood up with a cacophony of metallic clanking. When he strode into the dim moonlight, his features could be made out. Cosmo could just barely see the boy's face through a bulky set of armor. From what he could see, he identified that the boy could have only been about a year older than him, with strong blue eyes. A large falchion was strapped to his armor, running the length of his back. The sword was at least an arm and a half long and a hand and a half wide. He looked like a warrior. "I'm not trying to cause any trouble. I'm in the same situation as you."

"We don't even understand our situation." Cosmo retorted. "How could you? Even if you were, how can we trust you? We even lack the knowledge of your name."

"My apologies, compatriots." The boy unsheathed his falchion, causing Cosmo and Lysander to flinch, once again grabbing at their weapons. Instead of attacking them, the boy slammed the tip of his sword into the brick, deafening everyone in the cell. Dropping to one knee and removing his helmet, the boy bowed his head to reveal long locks of bright blonde hair. Only when his head faced the ground did he speak again. "I am Elias of Neilien, naturalist, tracker of the wildwoods, mercenary for hire, and historian of Trovvs, at your service." The boys looked at each other, unsure of how to respond. When a few minutes passed and it became clear Elias would not rise until one of them introduced themselves, Cosmo broke the silence.

"We are Cosmo and Lysander of Hiӓen, and are pleased to make your acquaintance," Cosmo said, outstretching his hand. Elias saw the gesture and took it, shaking with a strong grip. While Cosmo had learned not to be too trusting of others, he found Elias to be relatively harmless to him and his cousin, at least. "Now what makes you think you understand our situation?"

"They assumed you two were shifters, did they not?" Elias asked, rising from the ground.

"Indeed." Lysander grimaced. "What does that mean?" He clutched his hand tight in anger.

"You know not of the Gesichtleres? The Shapeshifters?" Elias asked, taken aback.

"We know little of this place." Cosmo responded, with intrigue. "Please, tell us more."

"The Shapeshifters have plagued Trovvs for several years as of late. Not very many people can get in or out without being falsely incarcerated. We know not if there are ten Gesichtleres or ten thousand. All we do know is that they elude us every single time by taking the form of any which person they see."

"That name. Gesichtleres. Why do you call them that?" Cosmo asked.

"The Ancient Language of this region is much different from yours, if you truly are from Hiӓen. Gesichtler means 'changer of face." It is not a friendly term around here. Just uttering the word can arouse suspicion."

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