Remnants of the Past

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That morning, an aching sensation covering Cosmo's entire body awoke him. He had slept horribly on the rough, uneven stone, however; Cosmo and the others started their short journey to Meer early in the morning despite his protests. When they arrived at the seaside town, the late morning sun was already refracting off of the thick steam that settled above the Zavuali Sea.

Upon their arrival, numerous ogres emerged from their dwellings or turned around from their positions on the docks to look at the outsiders. While they were met with no physical resistance, nearly every villager glared in the direction of the small party, Ometa included. Those that did not have a glare etched onto their faces simply averted their eyes, attempting not to look at them.

"I understand why our appearance might upset them, but why are they angered by your presence?" Cosmo asked Ometa in a hushed voice.

"Most of the lizardfolk are ready to end the war but simply dislike the presence of human outsiders. They are not angered by Molniya, nor her father's actions." Ometa sighed, looking around at her kin with a sad look on her face. "Unfortunately, those of Meer do not share the same sentiments." Cosmo could see that she was attempting not to look at her brethren, clearly hurt by their grimaces. Even Molniya seemed to pity Ometa, a sympathetic look across her scaly face.

"Will we be safe?" Elias asked, wrapping a hand around his falchion's handle as he looked around the streets cautiously.

"If we linger outside much longer, most likely not." Ometa answered, truthfully. "However, we should be able to seek refuge within the Queen's dwelling." The remainder of their walk through Meer took place in silence. To Cosmo, the encampment was not too different from Kran. In place of the excessive number of forges and the damp cave ceiling stood acres of farmland built onto the edge of the sea and a pleasant mist that drifted from the water to cool Cosmo's face. The buildings looked the same: simple and primitive structures of thatch that were humbling but respectable.

"So, this must be where Queen Rasseyat lives." Molniya gestured to a larger thatched building bordered by large torches buried in the ground. Two enormous ogre guards were posted around a large cloth draped over the entrance, one wielding a stone club and the other a chipped halberd. They nodded to Ometa, who stood in front of the two guards, dwarfed by their immense stature. Cosmo was amazed that there were beings in existence that were even taller than the ogre.

"I see you have brought Princess Molniya." One spoke to Ometa in the deepest tone Cosmo had ever heard. It felt as though his very voice shook the ground. "It is an honor to meet you." The guards kneeled in unison, bowing their heads. Jeering could be heard from the distance in response to their display of respect.

"I strictly represent my father's ideals. I do not wish to forgive your kind just yet." Molniya spoke softly and with a controlled tone. The two soldiers stood back up.

"What of the Kyosahs? Why have you brought them?" The other soldier asked, in a gravelly tone.

"Dreyniv believes a third party could be helpful in the negotiations." Ometa answered. "These boys claim Tatiova has sent them on a quest for the Divine Prisms. I believe their intent is to smite Folcanrog, but if you truly wish to know of their plans, I would ask them directly." At her mention of killing Folcanrog, the guard's eyes widened.

"You three cannot be serious. Not even Ralthar- may his fiery throne burn eternally- could defeat the beast." The first guard spoke, a serious tone in his voice. "I know not which race: ogre, orc, or lizardfolk summoned her wrath in the first place, but I do know that defeating her..."

"It is suicide." The other guard finished the sentence. "To bring about that feat, with only the five of you."

"What about alongside three tribes holding onto generations of anger towards a certain elder dragon?" Cosmo asked rhetorically, while looking into the guard's eyes with vigor.

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