Burning Finality

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"The guards at the front gate are what?" The voice was incredulous, authoritative, and rabid with rage. Its deep resonance settled about an octave below Cosmo's, almost rumbling the entire world with its authority. As he grew closer to Galdernad's war room, he could hear a quiet mumbling of a reply before the king gave a response of his own.

"I'm aware." Galdernad growled, followed by a sonorous dull thud against a hard surface. "Ensure the rest of you are on high alert. No one, I repeat no. one. Has gotten through those gates without my permission." Another pause, followed by murmuring. Cosmo was frozen, a creeping feeling crawling up his spine.

"I'll see to it that you do." Finally, Galdernad gave a response, the threat dripping with malice. "The fate of those at the gate will seem graceful compared to what will befall you should you fail me again." As silence filled the room beyond the two massive oak doors, Cosmo knew he had to make a move then. If he hesitated even a moment more, his window of opportunity would close. Mustering the courage to do so, he took a deep breath before gripping Dragon's Focus with determination. Galdernad's reign will end before the sun sets once more.

"Nraida." The words were a whisper that just barely escaped from his lips, the command invoking the furious power of the Ancient Language as heat began to build in his fist, releasing upon Cosmo's command. The sheer force of the spell's rapid combustion flung the doors open, one off of its hinges entirely, before consuming the room on the other side.

Flames licked at everything in sight, the colossal spruce table in the center of the room, the delicate tapestries that hung from the walls, Felwyn's enormous green white and gold standard which hung before the floor-to-ceiling frosted window in the back of the room now barely hung from the ceiling, in smoldering tatters. The heat scorched the golden lanterns that hung from either side of the room, incinerated the expansive map which had been unfurled upon the now blackened table as the spell subsumed the weaponry which leaned against the far wall. The vortex subsided quickly, leaving half of the room still ablaze.

Cosmo's eyes fell upon the only person remaining in the room, runic armor gleaming in the flickering firelight as the infuriated glare in his eyes twisted into a horrific smile. Galdernad remained unscathed from Cosmo's entrance, the same armor that had protected his royal guard illuminating his tall and menacing stature against the deep orange glow of the fire, which had begun to spread across the room, consuming anything in its path. The wrinkled face of Felwyn's king shifted as he began to speak, reaching slowly for the elegant claymore that rested against the massive chair behind him, his strong hands curling around the jeweled hilt.

"Cosmo." His name rumbled across the room, vibrating through the wooden floorboards of Galdernad's war room. "At last, I can put a face to the name."

"Take no time to remember it, old man." Cosmo's stomach roiled as the facade of courage escaped his lips. "I will have your head soon enough."

"Your haste will only bring you blood and ash." Galdernad's eyes narrowed. "A child such as yourself will not be enough to best me."

"I have-"

"I know what you have done, boy." The king slammed the gleaming steel claymore into the floor, silencing Cosmo. "Folcanrog held not even a drop of my power. She served as a mere distraction for the animals of the Boiling Pot to fight over while I conquered their land and took their children as slaves." Cosmo shuddered, refusing to show any fear to his adversary.

"And yet I smote her with ease." He lied, remembering how he had felt on the summit of Folcanrog's Domain. How the lightning had felt through his veins. "I shall do the same to you."

"No, boy. You will not. Not a soul shall remember your name after I scour you from this plane." Galdernad adjusted his grip on the implement at his side, preparing for battle.

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