Razorinye's Tomb

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Cosmo awoke with a start. He had slept fitfully on a cot in the medical building Molniya had been resting in, resulting in unpleasant dreams and an aching in his back. Rubbing his eyes, he was groggy and felt as though he had just fallen asleep. He opened his eyes to find Istorik standing above him, geared with only a pair of pants secured with a belt and a sword sheath slung over his shoulder, revealing a surprisingly muscular torso.

"I've let you sleep long enough. We must travel quickly to Razorinye, especially if this is to be a waste of my time." Istorik said, leaning against a nearby vacant cot. It seemed as though he was not a morning person.

"Allow my friends some time to wake up, we have travelled a long distance." Cosmo walked over to Molniya's cot first. Her injury had healed significantly with Hiner's help the previous day. She was even able to be up and using the injured arm by the time he had returned from Istorik's library. Cosmo was happy she was no longer in such pain, he hated seeing the look on her face as Hiner stitched the nerves in her arm back together. Looking down at her now, he found it amusing how harmless she looked, despite her true nature.

"Molniya." He muttered an incantation under his breath, a small tongue of flame igniting in the palm of his hand. She stirred. "It's time to depart for the ruins." Cosmo had discussed his plans with her the previous day, and she had actually seemed quite enthused to be seeing the ruins. Elias, on the other hand, had opted out of going. It seemed as though he had made a friend in Hiner, and they had stayed up considerably late last night poring over both books of healing magic and history.

"I apologize for my recent absences." He had told Cosmo the previous night. "The concept of healing magic is fascinatingly simple... and yet so complex. I would like to be of some assistance the next time one of you injures yourselves, as well." Cosmo had assured him that they understood, and that he was happy Elias had found something he enjoyed.

"I dislike the feeling in my arm." Were Molniya's first words as she sat up in bed, flexing her forearm and watching the muscles move under the pale skin that covered the underside of her arm. "I will be ready in some time. Lend me the time to gather my thoughts and belongings." Cosmo nodded and walked over to Lysander, shaking him awake.

"Good morning, cousin." Lysander stretched as he sat up, smiling. Cosmo had to admit that he was jealous of his cousin's surplus of energy in the morning. Half an hour later, Cosmo, Lysander, Molniya, and Istorik were northwest bound outside of the walls of Kran, walking at a strict pace in the cool morning air. Cosmo was relieved the sun had not risen yet.

After being in the Boiling Pot so long, he had grown to enjoy the soothing and cool dawns. Unlike anything he had experienced before, they were resoundingly silent, due to the lack of life that was capable of surviving there. On Coeden, the island was constantly buzzing with noise. The chirping of insects, the scurrying of critters, and the bustling of people constantly filled the air. The dramatic contrast between the two felt alien and yet relaxing at the same time. Along with the sheer quiet, mornings in the Boiling Pot came with an earthy smell that was so subtle it was almost not present at all. This, too, reminded him of his home, but in a different way. The air smelled so similar to how the forest smelled during twilight while he would hunt, which he found strange due to the vast differences between there and his surroundings.

"I wonder if what we're trying here is really possible." Cosmo heard Lysander's voice from his right, pulling him from his daydreaming. Istorik and Molniya were several feet ahead, walking next to each other. He found this surprising and wondered what they were talking about for an instant until he remembered Lysander's comment.

"What do you mean?" Cosmo still felt exhausted after sleeping in the hospital cot.

"Defeating Folcanrog." Lysander looked to the ground. He appeared less tired than Cosmo, but it seemed as though something was bothering him.

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