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"It is not every day a human is capable of finding me." The force responded, glowing brightly. Cosmo winced as he felt his mind slip. Catching himself on a branch, he let his body go limp, barely hanging on. "How did you find this place?"

"I can't say there was much purpose in it." he responded, dizzy. "What..." Cosmo swallowed, tasting bile. "Who are you?"

"I told you, boy." The voice shook the leaves like a strong gust. "I am Reathogg. The forest where powerful things are left to rot." The branches within the being rustled, and the vines snapped. "A magician long ago took it upon himself to dispose of anything across all of Felwyn that brought one man too much power. I am the result of that."

"But, how?" His eyebrows scrunched together in disbelief. His mind began to calm itself as he acclimated himself to the presence of Reathogg, but its words seemed only to confound him. The voice gave an otherworldly sigh, and it sounded as though it was smiling.

"In time, you will know. I cannot explain it to you in a way that matters." Cosmo released the branch and stood on his own feet, his mind burning. Never could I have imagined merely the presence of something to be so powerful. He thought, looking at Reathogg with terror. "Now, tell me. What have you come here for? What do you seek?"

"My friends." He managed, taking one step forward. "A beast attacked us in the woods and I've lost them."

"Oh, your companions are in no danger." Reathogg made a sound that resembled breathing. "At the moment, they are searching for you. They will not find you, unfortunately. It is unusual for mortals to discover this place."

"They're searching for me? Please, guide them here safely. That beast could have hurt them."

"The chimera is dead." Reathogg responded curtly. "Your friends are in no danger, I promise you. Now," It paused, "Why are you truly here? No wise mortal crosses the treeline of Reathogg. This forest is the grave of several foolish men. What is worth such a risk?" While Cosmo disliked that Reathogg had treated his friend's lives so nonchalantly, it seemed that he would not be able to get his way. Fortunately enough, from what it had said, his friends were not in immediate danger.

"My friends and I seek the Divine Prism of the Hinterland Wastes. Tatiova has sent us to save all of Felwyn from Lord Galdernad, who plans to collect the Prisms. If we are not to succeed, a grave future lies ahead." Over his travels, Cosmo had become more confident in stating his purpose. When he said it now, his head was held high and his back straight.

"Oh, I see." Reathogg responded. "Another traveler of poor luck, I'm afraid."

"What do you mean?" Cosmo asked, fear rising in his chest. Could all of this have been for naught?

"While his pets still remain, the artifacts brought by the magician to this forest are no longer here." The force responded. Cosmo's heart sank. "The Prism was taken long ago."

"By who?"Cosmo asked, rage bubbling to the surface of his relatively calm composure. Galdernad's face burned in his mind as a terrible feeling settled in his stomach.

"None other than I." Reathogg responded, as though it should make perfect sense. Cosmo's face twisted in confusion. When he said nothing, the entity continued. "While I am among the most primordial of elementals present in Felwyn, I also serve as a Gateway."

"A Gateway?"

"Indeed." The light deep within it surged brightly. "Within me is every single item that that magician deemed too powerful. To be filled with the most potent of devices and to be unable to use them. That is the true Curse of Avarice."

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