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The next few days passed very quickly for Cosmo. On the second day Cosmo spent on the island of Hiӓen, he was able to get up out of his bed and stretch his legs. Regardless of how much his body ached, it still felt good to be on his feet again. Lysander visited him once again and pecked at him with questions until Hallar once again interrupted him by bringing Cosmo food. After this occurrence, Cosmo had a conversation with Hallar, when he learned more about where he had been shipwrecked.

From his understanding, Hiӓen was the second largest island in the Archipelago, far north of Coeden. He was currently staying within a small town named Wyrfel that had aligned itself against King Galdernad. With the village posing minimal to no threat to the empire and the climate being much too cold for his soldiers, Galdernad never bothered to siege the small place.

Most people living within Wyrfel were talented in the field of magic, a woman named Athro being the most powerful. Most people made a living off of exclusive naval trade with Priddel, ice fishing, or carpentry. The simplicity of the village gave Cosmo the experience of living in a place much more peaceful and quiet than his hometown and, after his first few days living there, made the decision to align himself with them. He felt comfortable alongside his newfound family and most of all desired to find and kill the Dilonwyr that had taken everything from him.

On the fourth day Cosmo awoke on Hiӓen, he found himself almost back to normal. Slowly rising from his bed, Cosmo stretched and yawned and made his way across the room to find a stack of clothing on the table in the center of the room. A small piece of parchment was left on top of the clothes with rough handwriting etched into it.

Here are some spare clothes, you looked to not be adequately prepared for the weather here. if 

you feel up to walking outside today, stay warm. Leave your clothes on this table. Helena will 

take care of them.


After smiling at the note, Cosmo looked under it to find a black buckled coat and a thick brown shirt. Under the shirt was a pair of dark brown pants lined with wool. After taking off his thin and frankly pungent clothes, Cosmo donned the much warmer attire and instantly began to notice a difference. Feeling more energized, Cosmo walked down the stairs into the tavern below for the first time. It was a large and homey pub, with a long oaken bar to his left, seats and tables scattered about the floor, another set of stairs leading up to a second bedroom directly across from him, and two tall doors leading outside to his right.

"So you're finally up and about, Cosmo?" A feminine voice came from behind the bar. Its owner was a middle-aged woman with large curly blonde hair and grey eyes. She wore a long olive green winter dress with sleeves that nearly touched her fingers. Cosmo assumed her to be Helena.

"Yes, I'm feeling much better, especially due to these clothes. Thank you both very much for your hospitality. I don't know how I could ever repay you."

"Ah, well you could start by paying that sizeable bill on your tab." Helena paused, looking at Cosmo and then laughed. "I'm just pulling your leg, I promise. Hallar and I would do anything to help family in need." Cosmo laughed, trying to pretend that he wasn't scared by her first remark, and then smiled.

"Nonetheless, thank you for housing and feeding me. My recovery would have been impossible without you." Helena nodded and smiled, pouring a tankard of ale for a sad-looking customer at the bar. "Have you seen Lysander? I promised him that I would go and see a person named Athro with him when I felt well again."

"Oh, he's always out training with her. One day I hope he gets his boneheaded mind together and stops with all of this magic training. He really needs to help around the tavern and learn to hunt." She said, crossly. "Anyways, she lives at the very edge of town, next to the forest and a small training grounds. Just turn right and keep going straight. Shouldn't be able to miss it."

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